Chapter 4: Homeostatic Control Mechanisms Flashcards
__________ - is the condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body’s internal environment due to the constant interaction of the body’s many regulatory processes.
The nervous system regulates homeostasis by sending electrical signals to organs that can counteract changes from the balanced state. This electrical signal is called:
nerve impulses
____________ - includes many glands that secrete messenger molecules called hormones into the blood.
endocrine system
State if True or False:
Nerve impulses typically cause rapid changes, but hormones usually work more slowly. Both means of regulation, however, work toward the same end, usually
through negative feedback systems.
______________ - is a cycle of events in which the status of a body condition is monitored, evaluated, changed, remonitored, reevaluated, and so on.
feedback system or feedback loop
Feedback Systems:
Each monitored variable, such as body temperature, blood pressure, or blood glucose level, is termed as ____________ . Any disruption that changes a controlled condition is called a _________ .
controlled condition
What are the three basic components of feedback system?
- a receptor
- a control center
- an effector
_________ - is a body structure that monitors changes in a controlled condition and sends input to a control center. This pathway is called an __________ .
afferent pathway
___________ - sets the range of values within which a controlled condition should be maintained (set point), evaluates the input it receives from receptors, and generates output commands when they are
control center
Output from the control center typically occurs as nerve impulses, or hormones or other chemical signals. This pathway is called an:
efferent pathway
________ - is a body structure that receives output from the control center and produces a response or effect that
changes the controlled condition.
_______________ - reverses a change in a controlled condition.
negative feedback system
___________ - pressure-sensitive nerve cells located in the walls of certain blood vessels, detect the higher pressure.
______________ _ - tends to strengthen or reinforce a change in one of the body’s controlled conditions.
positive feedback system
A particular component of a homeostatic control system recognizes slight changes in a variable and anticipates arrival of a potentially larger charge and thus, activates
appropriate systems to defend against the forthcoming change.
Feedforward system
What are the three components of Hemostasis?
- Negative feedback system
- Positive feedback system
- Feedforward system
The following are examples of Negative Feedback. Except:
- Temperature regulation
- Blood pressure regulation
- Thirst
- Tachycardia
Except: 4
_________ - A value at steady state that’s recognized and maintained by a homeostatic control process/ system/mechanism.
Set point
_________ - The difference between the set point and the level of a (tightly) regulated variable.
Error signal
Advantage of Error signal.
State if True or False:
If a constant error signal is present, we can have a constant response to it; therefore, regulate a persistent (constant) change.
__________- Successful coping of an organism with presenting changes (environment); if not successfully adapt, equals death, therefore, it is survival of the fittest.
___________ - Adaptive changes that occur in the body, in order to cope with prolonged exposure to a change, or an environmental stress.