Chapter 4 - Don't Waste Your Water On Smoke Flashcards
What are two qualities every leader wants to see in his people?
- Single-minded focus on the mission.
- Intense sense of personal responsibility
What keeps you focused on where the company wants to go?
Your organization’s mission.
The mission enables you to do what?
Get the right things done.
What are the two features of every organization
Mission and values
What enables you to set standards and encourage behavior that will make your organization more effective?
Your company’s values.
What should your organization’s mission articulate?
Your company’s reason for being.
How do successful leaders make things happen?
By defining their organization’s mission and then using it to unify and focus their peoples efforts.
What is the real reason organizations exist?
To provide their customers with value.
Customers don’t buy a product or a service they buy what?
A utility.
How can an organization fully grasp their mission?
Only by figuring out exactly who their customer is and what they want.
Organizations that define themselves by what they do as opposed to what the customer values.
Inside Out perspective.
The drift from an outside in to an inside out viewpoint.
Mission creep.
How can you use your organization’s mission to become a better leader?
Start by bringing that mission to life.
By translating the mission into a set of specific goals what do we do? (2)
Make the mission coherent for our people.
Make it something that can actually be accomplished.
How can your goals help you discover new ways to deliver value to your clients?
If your goals are well chosen and relate to your mission.