CHAPTER 4 Flashcards
First of all..I’d like to explain “건너편 “. this term is combined with 건너+편 (go across + side)..also..means “acrossthestreet”
건너편 means the other side/across the way.
It’ll be ok put 건너편 after place where should be a starting point.
As like your example,
There are two places in the sentence. And destination to head is 은행, and the starting point can be 병원.
So you can say like this 병원 건너편에 은행이 있어요 or 은행은 병원 건너편에 있어요.
And if you and someone are standing at Hospital.
You can say 건너편에 은행이 있어요 or 은행은 건너편에 있어요 without 병원.
You don’t need to mention where’s starting point. When You and Someone already know the starting point
flower shop
photo studio
gas station
parking lot
convenient store
화장품 가게
꽃가게 생선가게 is mostly used.
가게 pure korean
점(店) is a Chinese origin word written in Korean which means “가게
If it is followed by Chinese origin word, we use 점. if it’s not, we use 가게. ex) 과일가게(pure Korean), 음식점(飮食店).
점’ is not used in Korean by alone.
Chinese origin words are like Latin origin word in English
상점 is also a similar word but it rarely used anymore and if ever it is used it’s mostly likely in written speech
to go straight
to keep going
쭉 가다
쭉 가다 means keep going or go straight and 직진하다 contains only “go straight”
They are similar and sometimes interchangeable.
쭉가다 -> original meaning is ‘keep going’ but you can use it as ‘go straight’ also.
직진하다 -> go straight (mostly used for directional word for walking or driving)
잘했어. 그런 방법으로 쭉 가라.
-> Good job! Keep going with that way(method)
운전기사님, 이길로 쭉 가세요
-> Mr. Driver, please go straight in this way.
직진한 다음 우회전하면 우리 집이야.-> If you go straight and turn right, you can get to my house.
straight (im terms of direction)
heavy traffic
차가 밀리다
Traffic jam
use almost the same situation
차가 밀리다. -> 차가 막히다.
delay all stop
to be pushed (passive)
문이 밀렸다
— The door was pushed
to think about something
(that worries you)
: You have to make a tough decision, and are thinking thoroughly
걱정하다- worry about something
고민하다- think something deeply
고민하지마 = more like stop thinking about sth.(which makes you feel pain)
걱정하지마 = don’t worry about that, it gonna be alright.
basically 걱정하다 and 고민하다 are worrying, thinking. 걱정 is more related to uncomfortable because of sth, being not sure about sth and that makes you worried.
고민 is more like suffer, be in pain because of sth like thinking about uncertain future, marriage or sth
i suddenly remembered
it reminded me of
to invite