Chapter 4 Flashcards
In more than one country
Uncertainty and unpredictability
Set of global forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization’s boundaries but affect a manager’s ability to acquire and utilize resources
Global organizations
Global environment
Economics of scale
Government regulation
Brand loyality
Barries to entry and competition
The set of specific and general forces that work together to integrate and connect economic, political, and social systems across countries, cultures, or geographical regions so that nations become increasingly interdependent and similar
Human capital
Financial capital
Resource capital
Political capital
Forces that drive globalization
A tax that a government imposes on imported or, occasionally, exported goods
The idea that if each country specializes in the production of the goods and services that it can produce most efficiently, this will make the best use of global resources
Free trade doctrine
Opened enormous opportunities for managers to expand the market for their goods and services
Allowed managers to now both buy and sell goods and services globally
Declininng trade barriers
Aimed to abolish the tariffs on 99% of the goods traded between Mexico, Canada, and the United States by 2004
It has removed most barriers on the cross-border flow of resources, giving retail businesses in Canada and the United States unrestricted access to the Mexican marketplace.
Ideas about what a society believes to be good, desirable and beautiful
Provides the underpinnings for notions of individual freedom, democracy, truth, justice, honesty, loyalty, social obligation, collective responsibility,
Very slow to change
Unwritten informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization
Norms that are considered to be central to functioning of society and to social life
Routine social conventions of everyday life
A worldview that values individual freedom and self-expression and adherence to the principle that people should be judged by their individual achievements rather than by their social background
A worldview that values subordination of the individual to the goals of the group and adherence to the principle that people should be judged by their contribution to the group
Individualism and collectivism
The degree to which societies accept the idea that inequalities in the power and well-being of their citizens are due to differences in individuals’ physical and intellectual capabilities and heritage
Power distance
Worldview that values assertiveness, performance, success, and competition.
Worldview that values quality of life, warm personal friendships, and care for the weak
Achievement orientarion
Nurturing orientation
Degree to which societies are willing to tolerate uncertainty and risk
Uncertainty avoidance
Worldview that values thrift and persistence in achieving goals
Worldview that values personal stability or happiness and living for the present
Long term orientation
Short term orientation