Chapter 12 Flashcards
Chapter 12 test
- Activities that managers engage in to attract and retain employees and to ensure that they perform at a high level and contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals
- The process by which managers design the components of a HRM system to be consistent with each other, with other elements of organizational architecture, and with the organization’s strategy and goals
Human Resource Management (HRM) -
Strategic Human Resource Management -
The equal right of all citizens to the opportunity to obtain employment regardless of their gender, age, race, country of origin, religion, or disabilities
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces employment laws
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Family and Medical Leave Act Civil Rights Act Americans with Disabilities Act Age Discrimination in Employment Act Pregnancy Discrimination Act Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Major EEO Laws
Activities that managers engage in to forecast their current and future needs for human resources
Takes into account demand and supply forecasts
To use outside suppliers and manufacturers to produce goods and services
Use of contract workers rather than hiring them
Two reasons why human resource planning sometimes leads managers to outsource are flexibility and cost
Human Resource Planning (HRP)
- Looking outside the organization for people who have not worked at the firm previously. Done through newspaper advertisements, open houses, on-campus recruiting, and the Internet
- Managers turn to existing employees to fill open positions. Of benefit since internal applicants are already familiar with the organization
Job change that entails no major changes in responsibility or authority levels
Managers already know candidates
External Recruiting -
Internal Recruiting -
Lateral Move -
Managers find out whether each applicant is qualified for the position and likely to be a good performer
- The degree to which the tool or test measures the same thing each time it is used
- The degree to which a tool or test measures what it is supposed to measure
Selection Process -
Reliability -
Validity -
- Teaching organizational members how to perform current jobs and helping them to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers
- Building the knowledge and skills of organizational members so they are prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges
- An assessment of which employees need training or development and what type of skills or knowledge they need to acquire
Training -
Development -
Needs Assessment -
The evaluation of employees’ job performance and contributions to their organization
Traits, behaviors, results
Performance appraisal by peers, subordinates, superiors, and sometimes clients who are in a position to evaluate a manager’s performance
Performance Appraisal
360 degree Appraisal
An appraisal conducted at a set time during the year and based on performance dimensions and measures that were specified in advance
An unscheduled appraisal of ongoing progress and areas for improvement
Formal Appraisal
Informal Appraisals
Includes employees’ base salaries, pay raises, and bonuses
Determined by characteristics of the organization, the job, and levels of performance
Benefits are based on membership in an organization
The relative position of an organization’s pay incentives in comparison with those of other organizations in the same industry employing similar kinds of workers
The arrangement of jobs into categories reflecting their relative importance to the organization and its goals, level of skill required, and other characteristics
Pay level
Pay structure
-Legally required: social security, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance
Voluntary: health insurance, retirement, day care
-A plan from which employees can choose the benefits they want
Cafeteria- style benefit plan
- The activities managers engage in to ensure they have effective working relationships with the labor unions that represent their employees’ interests
-Represent worker’s interests to management in organizations
The power that a manager has over an individual worker causes workers to join together in unions to try to prevent this
-Negotiation between labor unions and managers to resolve conflicts and disputes about issues, such as working hours, wages, benefits, working conditions, and job security
Labor relations
Collective bargaining