Chapter 11 Flashcards
Chapter 11 test
Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs
A group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective
Performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate their actions
Factors that contribute to _____:
Ability to bounce ideas off one another
Correct each other’s errors
Bring diverse knowledge base to bear on problems
Accomplish projects beyond the scope of individuals
The creative development of new products, new technologies, new services, or even new organizational structures
To speed innovation, managers need to form teams in which each member brings some unique resource to the team.
The characteristics and processes that influence how a group or team functions
Affected by a group’s size and roles, group leadership, group development, group norms, and group cohesiveness
Group dynamics
Splitting the work to be performed into particular tasks and assigning tasks to individual workers
- A set of behaviors and tasks that a group member is expected to perform because of his position in the group
- Taking the initiative to modify an assigned role by assuming additional responsibilities
Division of labor
Group role
Role making
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjoining
Stages of group development
Shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group members follow
Members conform to norms to obtain rewards, imitate respected members, and because they feel the behavior is right.
Conformity and deviance must be balanced for high performance from the group.
Group norms
The degree to which members are attracted to or loyal to their group
Level of participation
Level of conformity to group norms
Emphasis on group goal accomplishment
Group Cohesiveness
Three Major Consequences
Group size
Effectively managed diversity
Group identity and healthy competition
Factors leading to group cohesiveness
The tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they work in groups than when they work alone.
Social loafing