Chapter 3b - ABO and Rh Blood Types Flashcards
three or more alleles of the same gene are found
multiple alleles
blood types characterized by presence of antigens on surface of erythrocytes
AB blood types
blood type determination
mix unknown blood sample with antiserum containing type A or type B antibodies
what does ABO blood test reveal
- four phenotypes
- three alleles
four phenotypes of blood
- A
- B
- AB
- O
3 alleles of blood types
- I^A
- I^B
- i
discovered the ABO blood group system
Karl Landsteiner (1901)
- discovered type AB in 1902
- worked under Landsteiner
- Adriano Sturli
- Alfred von Decastello
what was awarded to Landsteiner in 1930
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
when is the World Blood Donor Day
June 14
components of blood
- 55% plasma
- 45% solid substances
cells found in the blood
- leukocyte
- erythrocyte
- thrombocyte
type A blood has:
- A antigen
- B antibody
type B blood has:
- B antigen
- A antibody
type AB blood has:
A and B antigen
type O blood has:
A and B antibody
result when the fetal blood type is different from the mother’s blood type
ABO Blood Incompatibilities
Sign symptoms of ABO incompatibility in the neonate
- pale-looking skin
- jaundice
- newborn may have big liver and spleen
- may have severe swelling (hydrops fetalis)
a condition in which large amounts of fluid build up in a baby’s tissues and organs, causing extensive swelling (Edema)
hydrops fetalis
extensive swelling
first detected in Rhesus monkey
Rh blood groups
hemolytic anemia in the fetus caused by transplacental transmission of maternal antibodies to fetal red blood cells, usually due to incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood groups, often Rho(D) antigens
Erythroblastosis fetalis
- three closely linked genes C, D, and E with two alleles each
- presence of at least one D results in Rh+ phenotype
- C and E not immunologically significant
Fisher-Race System
not immunologically significant
C and E
Signs and symptoms of Erythroblastosis fetalis
- Kernicterus
- hemolytic anemia
- jaundice
bilirubin-induced neurological damage
injectable drug that is used to protect and Rh+ fetus from antibodies in an Rh- mother’s blood and to prevent Rh allergy in the mother
RhoGAM: RhO(D) immune globulin
with Rh antigen
with Rh antibody
- codominant inheritance
- under the contrl of an autosomal locus in chromosome #4
- with two alleles L^M and L^N
MN Blood Groups
MN Blood Groups is under the contrl of a …?
autosomal locus in chromosome #4
who discovered the MN Blood Groups
- Landsteiner
- Levine
antigens M and N are encoded by what
polymorphic genes