Chapter 31 Phrases Flashcards
Do you suffer from headaches?
Mate c^asto bolesti hlavy?
Are they worse in the morning or evening?
Jsou hors^i rano, nebo vec^er?
Where do you feel the pain, in what area of your head?
Ktera c^ast hlavy vas boli?
Do you ever feel sick or vomit?
Je vam ne^kdy na zvraceni nebo zvracite?
Have you ever had a seizure, have you fainted or have you ever had strange sensations?
Me^l/a jste ne^kdy ne^jaky zachvat, mdloby nebo divne pocity?
Was there any warning you were going to have a seizure?
Citil/a jste, z^e pr^ijde zachvat?
Did you bite your tongue?
Pokousal/a jste si jazyk?
Did you wet yourself?
Pomoc^il/a jste se?
Do you have any problem with your hearing?
Mate ne^jake potiz^e se sluchem?
Have you any numbness, tingling or weakness in your limbs?
Citil/a jste necitlivost, mravenc^eni nebo slabost konc^etin?
Do you urinate more often than you used to?
Moc^ite c^asteji nez^ obvykle?
Can you control your bowel movements?
Udrz^ite stolici?
Have you ever fainted?
Omdlel/a jste ne^kdy?
Have you ever been unconscious?
Byl/a jste ne^kdy v bezve^domi?
Have you had any accident?
Me^l jste ne^kdy nehodu?
Do you have any other problems associated with the headache?
Mate ne^jake jine potiz^e spojenes s bolesti hlavy?
Does anything relieve it?
Pomaha proti tomu ne^co?
Have you ever had anything similar to this before?
Uz^ jste me^l/a ne^kdy ne^co podobneho?
Touch your nose tip.
Sahne^te si na s^pic^ku nosu.
Squeeze my hand.
Stiskne^te mi ruku.
Zamrac^te se.
Do the same with your eyes closed.
Ude^lejte totez^ se zavr^enyma oc^ima.
Stretch your arms forward and spread your fingers.
Pr^edpaz^te a roztahne^te prsty na rukou.
Touch my finger.
Dotkne^te se meho prstu.
Stick out your tongue.
Vyplazne^te jazyk.
Usme^jte se.