Chapter 26 Phrases - History of Diseases of the Alimentary Tract Flashcards
Do you have a good appetite?
Mate chut’ k jidlu?
Are you putting on weight?
Are you losing weight?
How many kilos have you lost? Since when?
O kolik kilogramu* jste zhubnul? Za jak dlouho?
Do you have troubles with heartburn, belching, flatulence?
Mate paleni z^ahy, r^ihani, nadymani?
Do you have pain in the abdomen? Where? Does it spread? Where to?
Mate bolesti br^icha? Kde? Kam vystr^eluji?
Is it spasmodic, throbbing or like a build-up of pressure?
Jsou kr^ec^ovite, bodave, tlakove?
What did you eat before the pain? Was it greasy, spicy?
Co jste jedl pr^ed bolesti? Bylo to mastne, kor^ene^ne?
Does black coffee or alcohol bother you?
Vadi vam c^erna kava a alkohol?
What are your stools like? Do you have diarrhoea, or constipation?
Jakou mate stolici? Mate pru*jem, zacpu?
How many bowel movements do you have each day?
Kolikrat denne^ mate stolici?
Is there any blood or mucus in your stools?
Je ve stolici krev nebo hlen?
What is the colour of your stools? Are they black, brown or grey?
Jakou ma stolice barvu? Je c^erna, hne^da nebo s^eda?
If the stools are black: Have you ever taken aspirin or other painkillers?
Kdyz^ je stolice c^erna: Uz^ival jste aspirin nebo jine leky proti bolestem?
Have you ever had stomach ulcers?
Me^l jste ne^kdy z^aludec^ni vr^edy?