Chapter 30 Phrases Flashcards
When did you start menstruating? (Since what age did you have menstruation?)
Od kolika let mate menstruaci?
How long does each of your cycles last?
Jak dlouhy je menstruac^ni cyklus? / Jak dlouho trva menstruace?
How long does your menstruation last? How many days?
Jak dlouho menstruace trva? Kolik dnu*?
How much bleeding is there? Is it heavy or light?
Jak je krvaceni silne? Je silne nebo slabe?
Do you have any pain when you bleed?
Mate pr^i menstruaci bolesti?
How do you treat the pain
Jak bolesti lec^ite? / Berete nejake leky proti bolesti?
When was your last menstruation?
Kdy byla posledni menstruace?
Do you use contraception? What type?
Uz^ivate antikoncepci? Jakou?
Do you want to have children?
Chcete mit de^ti?
How many deliveries have you had and when?
Kolik porodu* jste me^la a kdy? / Kolikrat jste rodila?
In what year?
Ve kterem roce?
What were your deliveries like?
Jak probe^hly?
How big was your baby on delivery? How much did it weigh?
Jak velke bylo vas^e dite^ pr^i porodu? Kolik vaz^ilo?
Are your children alive? Are they healthy?
Z^iji vas^e de^ti? Jsou zdrave?
Is your child impaired? How?
Je vas^e dite^ pos^kozene? Jak?
Have you had any abortions?
Me^la jste ne^jake potraty?
At what month was the pregnancy interrupted?
V jakem me^sici bylo te^hotenstvi ukonc^eno?
Do you have a burning pain sensation when you pass urine?
Mate paleni pr^i moc^eni?
Do you fee a frequent urge to urinate? When? With what activity?
Citite c^aste^js^i nuceni na moc^eni? Kdy? Pr^i jake c^innosti?
What was puerperium (6 month period where mothers organs return to original position after delivery) like?
Jake bylo s^estinede^li?
Did you have fever after the delivery?
Me^la jste po porodu horec^ky?
How long did you breastfeed your children?
Jak dlouho jste vas^e de^ti kojila?
Do you have any discharge? Can you describe it?
Mate vytok? Jaky?