Chapter 19 - Rodinná Anamnéza Useful Phrases Flashcards
are your parents still alive?
žijí vaší rodiče?
yes, both my parents are alive
ano, oba rodiče žijí
no, my father died ten years ago, my mother is a widow
ne, otec zemřel před deseti lety, matka je vdova
are your parents healthy?
jsou rodiče zdraví?
my mother had an operation on her gallbladder
matka je po operaci žlučníku
my father had a stroke
otec měl mozkovou mrtvici
he is having treatment for his heart, he can’t walk
léčí se se srdcem, nemůže chodit
my mother had difficulties in breathing
matka má problémy s dýcháním
what diseases did your parents die of? when?
na jaké nemoci rodiče zemřeli? kdy?
mother died at the age of 25, after giving birth to me
matka zemřela ve 25 letech, po porodu
mother died at the age of 75 of a pulmonary embolism
matka zemřela v 75 letech na plicní embolii
i do not know what my parents died of
nevím, na co rodiče zemřeli
my parents are divorced, I don’t see them
rodiče jsou rozvedení, nestýkáme se.
how many brothers or sisters have you got?
kolik máte sourozenců?
I have two sisters and a brother
mám dvě sestry a bratra
I haven’t got any brothers or sisters
nemám žádné sourozence
what did your brother die of? when?
na co zemřel váš bratr? kdy?
my Brother was killed in a car accident at the age of 40
bratr se zabil ve 40 letech při autohavárii
have you got any children?
máte děti?
yes, 2 of my own and 1 stepchild
ano, 2 vlastní a 1 nevlastní
sons or daughters?
syny nebo dcery?
3 sons
3 syny
how old are they?
jak jsou staří?
kolik je jim let?
the oldest one is 27, youngest one is 15
nejstaršímu synovi je 27 let, nejmladšímu 15
are they healthy?
jsou zdraví
are they being treated for any illness?
léčí se s nějakou chorobou?
my son is allergic to dust, he is being treated by the allergist
syn je alergický na prach, léčí se u alergologa
does anyone in your family have any illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, or heart disease?
má někdo v rodině nemoci jako cukrovka, vysoký krevní tlak, rakovina, srdeční nemoci?
my father’s grandmother had diabetes, my aunt had tuberculosis
cukrovka měla babička mého otce, moje teta měla tuberkulózu
are your grandparents alive? are they healthy?
žijí vaší prarodiče? jsou zdraví?
what did they die of?
na co zemřeli?