Chapter 25 Phrases - History of Renal diseases Flashcards
How much liquid do you drink each day?
Kolik tekutin denne^ vypijete?
How much do you urinate in 24 hours?
Kolik vymoc^ite za 24 hodin?
Do you feel pain in the loin region? What is it like? Where does it spread to?
Mate bolesti v bederni krajine^? Jake? Kam se s^ir^i?
Does it spread to groin area, the abdomen, the thighs?
S^ir^i se do tr^isel, do br^icha, do stehen?
Do you feel a burning, cutting pain when you urinate?
Mate paleni, r^ezani pr^i moc^eni?
Do you feel painful pressure in the lower abdomen?
Mate bolestive tlaky v podbr^is^ku?
Do you feel a constant urge to urinate?
Mate nuceni na moc^eni?
Do you have a temperature? A chill?
Mate teploty? Zimnici, tr^esavku?
Have you ever had cystitis?
Me^l jste ne^kdy zane^t moc^ovych cest?
How many times have you had renal colic?
Kolikrat jste me^l ledvinovou koliku?
Is your appetite worse? Do you have diarrhoea? Have you vomited?
Zhors^ila se vam chut’ k jidlu? Mate pru*jmy? Zvracite?
Is there blood in your urine?
Mate v moc^i krev?
What is the colour of your urine?
Jakou barvu ma moc^?