Chapter 24 Phrases Flashcards
How is your breathing at rest and on exertion?
Jak se vam dycha v klidu a pr^i namaze?
Do you cough? What is it like?
Mate kas^el? Jaky’?
What do you cough up? What is the colour of the phlegm?
Co vykas^lavate? Jakou barvu ma hlen?
Is the cough dry, irritating?
Je kas^el suchy’, draz^divy’?
When do you cough? In the morning or throughout the day or is it mainly at night?
Kdy kas^lete? Rano, pr^es cely den nebo hlavne^ v noci?
Is a runny nose connected with your cough?
Kdyz^ kas^lete, mate rymu?
Do you have a temperature? How high?
Mate teplotu? Jak vysokou?
Do you have a pain in your chest? Is it sharp?
Mate bolesti na hrudi? Jsou bodave?
Do you feel pressure on the chest?
Citite na hrudniku tlak?
Did the pain appear suddenly? Is it getting worse?
Objevila se bolest nahle? Zhors^uje se postupne^?
Do you feel very tired because of the cough?
Jste kas^lem velmi unaveny’?
Do you sleep well?
Spite dobr^e?
Do you feel sleep during the day?
Chce se vam pr^es den spat?
Do you cough up blood?
Kas^lete krev?
Does dust make you cough?
Kas^lete v prachu?