Chapter 30: Chest trauma Flashcards
What level of spinal iinjury will damage breathing?
Spinal injury above C3
What level of spinal injury will cause paralysis?
Below C5
What are the signs of chest trauma?
Contusion, redness, swelling, DCAP-BTLS, pain on palpation, hemoptysis, failure to expand, shock signs and sympotoms
What are the deadly dozen?
Airway obstruction, bronchial disruption, diaphragmatic tear, esophageal injury, open pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, massive hemothorax, flail chest, cardiac tamponade, thoracic aortic dissection, myocardial contusion, pulmonary contusion
What are risk factors of pneumothorax?
Collapsed lung, tall thin individuals and smokers
What is Beck’s triad, what is it an indication of, and what do you need?
JVD, muffled heart sound, low blood pressure,
Cardiac tamponade! You need BVM and ALS
What can a rib fracture cause and what indicates it?
It can cause open/tension pneumothorax or hemothorax
Pain with breathing is an indicator
What can indicate traumatic asphyxia?
Cyanosis in ace and neck and hemorrhage in eyes
What is commotio cordis?
When blunt trauma comes at just the wrong time to stop the heart from beating
Below what blood pressure are pedal/radial pulses absent?
80 mmHg
What set of vitals indicate Cushings triad?
High blood pressure and slow pulse