Chapter 3 - The Cardiorespiratory System Flashcards
Cardiorespiratory System
A system of the body composed of that cardiovascular system and respiratory system
Cardiovascular System
Heart, blood vessels, and blood that transport blood from the heart to the tissues
Respiratory System
A system of organs (the lungs and respiratory passageways) that collects oxygen from the external environment and transports it to the bloodstream
2 Systems Working Together
Provide the body with adequate amounts of oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products like CO2 from cells in the body
The Heart
A hollow muscular organ that pumps a circulation of blood through the body by means of rhythmic contraction
The space in the chest between the lungs that contains all the internal organs of the chest except the lungs
Control of Cardiac Muscle
-Cardiac muscle also contains myofibrils and sarcomeres but cannot be consciously controlled like skeletal muscle
Cardiac Muscle Fiber Structure
Shorter and more tightly connected than skeletal muscle
Intercalated Discs
Help hold muscle cells together during contraction and create an electrical connection between the cells that allows the heart to contract as one functional unit
Heart’s Conduction System
Sends an electrical signal rapidly through all the cardiac cells
- Transmitted through the SA node through both atria and down into the ventricles
- Internodal pathways then transfer the impulse from the SA node to the AV node which then delays the impulse slightly
- The AV bundle conducts the impulse to the ventricles for contraction via the light and right bundle branches of the purkinje fibers
Sinoatrial Node
Initiates the electrical impulses that determine the heart rate
SA Node Location
Right atrium
Atrioventricular Node
Receives the heartbeat impulses from the SA node and directs them to the walls of the ventricles
The superior chamber of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into the ventricles
The inferior chamber of the heart that receives blood from the corresponding atria and forces that blood into the arteries
Interatrial Septum
Separates the atria
Interventricular Septum
Separates the ventricles
Pulmonic Side of Heart
Right side of the heart
-Receives blood from body that is low in oxygen and high in CO2 and pumps it into the lungs and back into left atria
Systemic Side of Heart
Left side of heart
-Pumps blood that is high in O2 and low in CO2 to rest of body
Right Atrium and Blood
Gathers deoxygenated blood returning from the body
Left Atrium and Blood
Gathers oxygenated blood coming to heart from lungs
Right Ventricle and Blood
Gathers deoxygenated blood from right atrium and pumps to lungs
Left Ventricle and Blood
Gathers oxygenated blood from left atrium and pumps to rest of body
Blood Flow Through the Heart
Deoxygenated blood -> superior vena cava -> right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right Ventricle -> Pulmonary valve -> left pulmonary artery -> lungs -> oxygenated blood -> pulmonary veins -> left atrium -> mitral valve -> left ventricle -> aortic valve -> Aortic Arch -> Descending aorta -> body
2 Atrioventricular Valves
Tricuspid valve, Mitral Valve
2 Semilunar Valves
Pulmonary and Aortic valves
Tricuspid Valve
Controls BF from the right atrium to the right ventricle
Mitral Valve
Controls BF from left atrium to the left ventricle
Aortic Valve
Controls BF from the left ventricle to the aorta going to the entire body
Pulmonary Valve
Controls blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries going to the lungs
Stroke Volume (SV)
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
SV Formula
End-diastolic volume
-The filled volume of the ventricle before contraction
End-systolic volume
-The residual volume of blood remaining in the ventricle after ejection
Heart Rate (HR)
The rate at which the heart pumps
Cardiac Output (Q)
The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute, the overall performance of the heart
3 Kinds of Cells in Blood
- RBC (carry oxygen)
- WBC (help fight infection)
- Platelets (clotting)
Blood and Transportation
- Transports O2 to all bodily tissues and removes waste products
- Transports hormones and nutrients
- Helps remove heat from internal to external regions of the body
Blood and Regulation
- Blood helps regulate body temp
- Regulation of pH levels in the body
- Regulation of water content of body’s cells
Blood and Protection
- Clotting mechanism provides from excessive blood loss
- Provides specialized immune cells to reduce risk of disease and illness
3 Major Types of Blood Vessels
Arteries, capillaries, veins
Carry blood away from the heart
-Aorta largest artery branches into medium sized arteries to arterioles and end in capillaries
The site of exchange of chemicals and water between the blood and tissues
Carry blood back to the heart
-Venules are vessels that collect blood from the capillaries and progressively merge together to form veins
Respiratory System Function
Bring O2 in the lungs and remove CO2 from the lungs and ensure proper cellular function
Respiratory System Structure
Includes: airwars, lungs, and respiratory muscles
Respiratory Pump
Bones and muscles that work together to allow proper respiratory mechanics to occur and help pump blood back to the heart during inspiration
2 Phases of Breathing
- Inspiration
- Expiration
Inspiration Muscles
Diaphragm, external intercostals, scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, pec minor
Expiration Muscles
Internal Intercostals, Abdominals
2 Categories of Respiratory Passages
Conducting Airways, and respiratory airways
Conducting Airways (8)
Consists of all structures that air travels through before entering the respiratory airways
-Nasal and oral cavities, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, pulmonary bronchi, bronchioles
Respiratory Airways
Collect the channeled air coming from conducting airways
-Alveoli and alveolar sacs
The process of getting O2 from the environment to the tissues of the body through the blood stream
-Takes place in alveolar sacs to get O2 into blood
Cardiorespiratory System Function
Provide the human movement system with many essential elements while removing waste products
Oxygen Consumption/Uptake
The use of O2 by the body
Resting and Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2)