Chapter 3 Section 1 The First Israelites Flashcards
What is monotheism?
The belief in one God.
What is Canaan?
Canon was the region along the Mediterranean Sea and southwest Asia. It is where the Israelites built a kingdom.
Who was Abraham?
Father of the Israelites who led them from Mesopotamia to Canaan.
Who was Jacob?
Abraham’s grandson. he raise 12 sons in Canaan. His family was divided into 12 tribes.
What is a tribe?
A separate family group.
Why did the Israelites go to Egypt after living in Canaan for 100 years?
Because a drought destroyed their crops and livestock.
What did the pharaoh due to the Israelites?
He enslave the Israelites and through all of their baby boys into the Nile river to stop them from rebelling.
Why did Moses mother hide him in a basket on the riverbank?
To prevent the Egyptians from throwing him in the river to drown.
Who was Moses?
An Israelite baby hidden in a basket on the riverbank by his mother. Found and raised by the pharaohs daughter.
What happened to Moses in 1290 BC while tending sheep in the wilderness outside of Egypt?
The voice of God in a burning bush told Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt him to freedom.
What did God do to get the pharaoh to let the Israelites go free?
God sent 10 plagues to trouble Egypt.
What did God’s last plague due to the Egyptians?
He sent a plague to kill all firstborn children except those of the Israelites.
What did the pharaoh do as the Israelites headed east out of Egypt?
He sent his army to chase them.
How did God help the Israelites escape from Egypt?
He parted the Red Sea so his people could pass, and then let it come back and around the Egyptians.
What is the exodus?
The Israelite escape from Egyptian slavery
How do you Jews today remember the exodus from Egypt?
They celebrate Passover
What is Mount Sinai?
The mountain where Moses climb to the top to receive laws from God known as the Torah.
What is the Torah?
Laws from God received by Moses that became the first part of the Hebrew Bible.
What is a covenant?
An agreement with God it which God promises to return the Israelites to Canaan if they follow his laws.
Why are the 10 Commandments important?
They helped shape the basic moral laws of many nations.
After Moses died who took over leadership of the Israelites?
When the Israelites finally got home after 40 years in the desert, who was living in their land?
The Canaanites
What Canaanite city was conquered by Joshua and the Israelites?
After Joshua died who led the Israelites?
Judges, usually military leaders.
Who was Deborah and what did she do?
A female judge Who told Barack to attack the Canaanite king Jaben. King job and his army was destroyed in 1125 BC
Who were the Phoenicians?
A group of Canaanites who lived in cities along the Mediterranean Sea. were skilled sailors and traders.
What was one of the Phoenicians most important ideas?
The alphabet which made writing similar and help people keep records
What city did Joshua conquer?
What is the Israelite believe in one God called?
Mono theism
What is the Torah and how did the Israelites obtain it?
The Torah are laws from God obtained by Moses when he went to the top of Mount sinai
What was the importance of the Phoenician alphabet?
The alphabet made writing similar and helped people keep records
What problems did the Israelites face when they return to Canaan?
It was occupied by new people called Canaanites
How did the 10 Commandments influence today’s society?
The 10 Commandments help shape the basic moral laws of many nations. They helped develop the belief that law should apply to everyone equally.