Chapter 3 (Physical Well-being) Flashcards
How to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body mass index KG/ (height in m)^2
(E.g. 86.7 kg ÷ (1.7 m) = 30 kg/m^2)
Weight Classification of BMI
BMI = Classifications:
1. < 18.5 = Underweight
- 18.5 - 22.9 = Healthy / desirable weight
- 23 - 24.9 = Overweight
- 25 = Obese
Limitation of BMI and WHR (waist-hip ratio)
- BMI is not gender specific
- BMI does not measure the fat content distribution
- Not applicable to certain groups (elderly/pregnant women)
- Not applicable to pregnant women
- Can only measure the extent of central obesity
(e.g. certain types of chronic diseases)
The measuring of blood preasure (2 TYPES)
- Systolic blood pressure
- Heart contracts to eject blood - Diastolic blood pressure
- Heart relaxes for blood returning
(E.g. normal blood preasure for elderly = Systolic blood preasure is 100-160mmHg)
4 Aspects of Physical Fitness
- Muscular strength (exert force using one single muscle contraction)
- Resistance exercise such as weight lifting - Muscular endurance (perform repeated muscle contractions for a period of time)
- Marathon - Cardio-respiratory endurance (supply oxygen to working muscles/remove metabolic waste)
- Aerobic exercise - Flexibility ( joints to reach their full range of movement)
- Stretching, Tai-chi, Yoga
Healthy Diet on Individual Level
- for growth, metabolic function and bodybuilding
- Protein (Promote growth and repair body tissue)
- Carbo-hydrate (The source of energy / 3 groups: monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide)
- Fat = lipids (Prevent heat loss and protect the internal organs from shock)
- for regulating cell function
- Vitamins (fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (vitamins B and C))
- Minerals (include calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulphur)
Healthy Diet on Individual Level
- Deficiency in nutrients / Lack of particular nutrient in food
(E.g. Deficiency of vitamin C may cause scurvy) - Excess of nutrients
(E.g. Excessive intake of carbohydrates/ fat may lead to obesity)
Healthy Diet on Individual Level
(Unbalanced diet)
- low vegetable/ fibre diets = increase the risk of colon cancer
- high fat, high salt and high sugar = increase the risk of hypertension/ heart diseases
- Trans fatty acid = increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease
2 types of Cholesterol
(Cholesterol in the blood is attached to lipoproteins)
- Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Bad Cholesterol
- circulating the cholesterol in the blood
- deposits cholesterol in the cells - quickening the rate of hardening of the arteries - High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) - Good Cholesterol
- removing cholesterol from the artery walls
- returning it to the liver where it is excreted from the body
2 types of Eating Disorders
- Bulimia nervosa
- Anorexia nervosa
Energy Balance
- Energy input vs energy output = weight gain / lose
-Unhealthy eating habits may lead to high energy input
(e.g. the frequent consumption of high-calorie fast food)
- Insufficient physical activities due to the increasing sedentary nature of workplace and leisure activities, may lead to low energy output
- Obesity developed when energy input is much larger than the energy output
Health maintenance and disease prevention
(Personal role)
Protective factors
- physical activities
- balanced diet
- good hygiene practices
- recreation and rest
- protective measures (e.g. helmets, seat-belts)
- universal precautions
Risk factors
- drug abuse
- inadequate physical activities/rest
- unbalanced diet, non-hygienic practices
- harmful/unsafe practices
- a sedentary lifestyle
Health maintenance and disease prevention
(Society Role)
- the role of government in health maintenance
- the collection and application of data in health protection of the citizens
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Nervous System)
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and many nerves. It controls all of our body’s action
Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System:
(Injuries and Tumors)
- Brain Tumor
- Head Injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Polio
- Rabies
- Meningitis
(Degenerative Disorders)
- Parkinson’s disease (speech difficulties)
(Seizure Disorders)
- Epilepsy
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Circulatory System)
The circulatory system includes the blood, the blood vessels and the heart
Problems of the Circulatory System:
- Hypertension (High blood pressure)
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Arteriosclerosis (from high fat/ cholesterol)
- Anaemia (weakness and low level of energy from lack of red blood cells)
- Sickle-cell anaemia (Blood unable to circulate properly)
- Leukaemia (Abnormal white blood cells)
- Haemophilia (Blood does not clot properly)
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Respiratory System)
It supplies oxygen / remove carbon dioxide to the blood which is carried out to different body parts.
Problems of the Respiratory System:
- Flu/ Colds
- Tuberculosis (Bacterial lung infection)
- Allergies
- Pneumonia (Lung infection by bacteria or viruses)
- Bronchitis (Swelling of the bronchi due to infection)
- Asthma
- Emphysema (extreme difficulty in breathing; often fatal)
- Lung cancer
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Skeletal System)
The skeletal system includes many bones that support the body and protect the organs.
Problems of Skeletal System:
- Fracture
- Dislocation
- Sprain
- Arthritis (Swelling and stiffness of joints caused by wear and tear)
- Osteoporosis (Bones become brittle and porous)
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Muscular System)
The muscular system is a group of tough tissues that allow body movement.
Problems of the Muscular System:
- Pulled or torn muscle
- Strain (Soreness due to overwork)
- Cramp (Muscle unable to relax)
- Tendinitis (Stretched or torn tendon; very painful)
- Muscular dystrophy (weakening of the skeletal muscles: causing inability to walk and stand)
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Digestive System)
Problems of the Digestive System:
- Indigestion (Stomach is too acidic: eating too fast/much, spicy or acidic foods)
- Diarrhoea (bacteria, virus, food poisoning and nutritional deficiencies)
- Ulcers (Sores on the inner walls of the stomach)
- Cirrhosis (Destruction of liver tissue: caused by drinking too much alcohol)
- Gallstones (Crystals in the gallbladder: may block the passage of bile to the small intestine)
- Kidney stones (may block passage of urine to bladder)
- Appendicitis (Inflammation of the appendix)
- Hemorrhoids (Swelling of veins near the opening of the anus)
- Colon cancer (Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the large intestine)
- Helicobacter Pylori (chronic low-level of inflammation resulting in different stomach disorders)
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Endocrine System)
Stress and stress reactions / close to nervous system
Disorders of the Endocrine System:
- Diabetes mellitus (inadequate insulin production / lack of energy, extreme thirst, and frequent urination)
- Growth extremes
- Goitre
- Diseases of thyroid glands
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Reproductive System)
Reproduction is the process by which life is maintained from one generation to the next. All human life begins with the union of two cells, one from the mother and one from the father. These cells are produced in the reproductive system.
Problems of the Reproductive System:
- Testicular or prostate cancer (Uncontrolled cell growth that destroys glands and surrounding tissue
- Enlargement of prostate gland (A common problem associated with aging)
- Sterility (Inability to produce healthy sperm in sufficient numbers to reproduce)
- Premenstrual syndrome (Physical and emotional changes before menstruation)
- Vaginitis (Infection of vagina: painful, itching, and vaginal discharge)
- Ovarian cysts (A fluid-filled sac within the ovary)
- Infertility (Inability to reproduce due to the blockage in fallopian tubes)
- Cancer (Affecting breasts, ovaries, uterus and cervix)
Understanding Different Body Systems
(Excretory System)
Excretion removes wastes from the body. The lungs perform some functions of the excretory system by getting rid of carbon dioxide when we exhale. The skin also gets rid of some waste through sweating such as water and salt; thus reducing the body temperature. The kidneys get rid of waste in the blood.