Chapter 10 (Health Care System) Flashcards
Two primary cares
- Primary health care
- Health promotion
- Care for the sick
- Community development
- Illness Prevention
- Advocacy - Primary medical care
-A component of primary health care provided by qualified health professionals
(E.g. Family doctors or Nurses)
The three levels of medical care
- Primary medical care
- Secondary medical care
- Tertiary medical care
Explain primary medical care
- First point of contact that patients make with their doctors
- A continuing health process which aims avoiding hospitalization
- Improving patient’s health conditions in general
- continuing care
- health outreach / promotion
- education
- therapeutic / curative
-preventive care
-general practitioners
Explain secondary medical care
- refers to specialist medical care and hospital care for patients
- specialized healthcare services provided mainly in hospitals
- convalescent in-patient care
- day surgery
- specialist out-patient
- accident and emergency services
Explain tertiary medical care
- highly complex and costly hospital care
- required by patients with complicated / less common / catastrophic diseases, injuries or illnesses
- specialized healthcare services are provided mainly in hospitals
- organ transplants
- radio-surgery of the brain
Medical and health services of primary medical care
(RMB some examples of each aspect)
1. Clinic service
- Public: Hospital Authority’s General Outpatient Service
- Private: Private doctors and Listed Chinese Medicine practitioners in registered clinics
- Family Health
- Maternal and Child Health Centres (provide body check-ups
- Family planning Association of Hong Kong (provide premarital examination) - Student Heath from Department of Health
- Student Health Service Center
- Adolescent Health Programme
- Vaccination services - Elderly Health from Department of Health
- Elderly Health Centre
Medical and health services of secondary/tertiary medical care
(RMB some examples of each aspect)
1. Specialist Out-patient Services
- Hospital Authority provides specialist clinics in medicine and surgery, traumatic surgery, brain surgery
- Acute Inpatient Services
- Inpatient services provide intensive treatment for patients suffering from acute illnesses - Accident and Emergency Services
- Provides services for people who are critically injured or injured with urgent medical attention
(e.g.victims of disasters)
Healthcare System in Hong Kong
-To ensure that no one is deprived of medical care because of lack of means
- Health Bureau:
- in charge of Policy Making - Hospital Authority:
- in charge of the management of hospitals, specialist clinics and related outreaching services - Department of Health
- provide promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services
What are public sectors
- Predominant provider of secondary and tertiary healthcare services
- A safety net for all with four areas of services:
- lower-income and upper-privileged groups
- training of healthcare professionals
- acute an emergency care
- illnesses that entail cost, advanced technology and multi-disciplinary professional team work - Provides Hong Kong citizens with equitable access to healthcare service at highly subsidized rates
What are private sectors
- Main provider of primary care
- offers choice to those who can afford and are willing to use private healthcare services
- Offers personalized choices, enhanced privacy and more accessible services
The role of the public sector
- Disseminations of health information
Meaning: one person’s use of health information does not make it less available for others to consume - Protecting consumers true regulation, education and information
Meaning: Responsible to make efficient choices of the public provisions of health and social services - Advocating equality in accessing health and social care services
Meaning: particularly in areas where demand is insufficient to stimulate private provision - Ensuring function of safety net for the disadvantaged groups
Meaning: Providing free or below-cost public services to the disadvantaged groups
The role of the private sector
- Complementary roles from private sector
Meaning: public sector resources can be more efficiently used to achieve other social goals. - Resource allocation
Equity: the private sector encourages higher income segments of the population to use their services by freeing up government funds for the population that cannot afford to pay - Market superiority
Access: Private providers may be located in areas convenient and may be available during more convenient time for the service recipients. It increases the accessibility of services.
Sustainability: by creating an open market for health and social services, independent of changes in government policies and budgetary constraints.
Ways to adjust the balance between public and private sectors
- Strengthen Public Safety Net by deploying more manpower and resources in public sector
- Promote Public-Private Partnership
- Develop Electronic Health Record Sharing
Benefits of increased involvement of the private sector
- Relieve the financial stress
- To encourage members of the population with higher incomes to use the services provided by the private medical sector.
- Control rising costs: Move from being the primary service provider to funding-related services to control costs - Reduce demand on public sector
- Increase the likelihood that consumers will choose a private practitioner for more convenient service hours and location
- Funding for the private sector makes services affordable for patients willing to pay - Relieve workload in the short term
- The involvement of private health professionals will provide more human resources to treat patients immediately - Reduce waiting time and waiting list
- with subsidy, some patients may choose private services to reduce the waiting time
- the waiting list for the public healthcare system will be shortened as some patients opt private services
Tension in public and private partnership
- Competing resources
- Different visions, expectations and perspectives
Crisis in public and private partnership
- Quality of services decline/ malpractice
- Ineffective use of resources
- Obstruct the coordinated service delivery that best fit the clients
- health services become fragmented, poorly planned and badly coordinated
- If services are confined to the same standard, hamper the development of the private sector
Benefits and Drawbacks of Expanding public services
1. Ensure that services cater to the needs of the community
2. Strengthen the safety net
3. Ensuring planned and coordinated delivery of health policy
1. Government financial burden - secondary and tertiary care costs are relatively high
2. Less choices and flexibility in caring for patients
3. Less personal responsibility for medical care
Benefits of Expanding private services
- Brings competition and new concepts to the market that makes customers enjoy more choices
- Waiting lists for public services may be shortened
- Can reduce the financial burden of the government
- Customers have easier access to services
(because private services are usually located in convenient locations, service hours are more convenient)
Drawbacks of Expanding private services
- They may trivialize social objectives, such as equitable health services, and primary health care
- In the pursuit of profit, they may reduce manpower which will affect the quality of service
- Since prices are set by the market, service providers have no incentive to keep prices low which reduces the choice of patients who can afford less
- HCS development may become fragmented, unplanned, and uncoordinated because of the domination of PC
What is medicare and medicaid
- Federal health insurance for anyone age 65 and older, and some with certain disabilities or conditions
- A joint federal and state program that helps cover medical costs for some people with limited income and resources
Rationale and Policy objectives behind market-oriented country (USA)
- Allocation of resources according to consumers’ willingness to pay
- Individuals needs should be satisfied by private market
Policy objectives
- To minimize government intervention
- The government only provides assistance through medicare and meidcaid
Feature of service provision for market-oriented country (USA)
- Private insurance
- Supplemented by government aid
- Medicaid and medicare
Rationale and Policy objectives for welfare states (UK, Canada)
- Everyone is entitled to reasonable access to healthcare regaof their ability to pay
Policy objectives
- To provide universal services to everyone
- To provide access to a comprehensive range of health services
Feature of service provision for welfare states (UK, Canada)
- Public hospital services: Free of charge for all citizens
Fully subsidized primary health care
Medicine paid at a flat rate of each prescription
Example for collaboration between public had private sectors
- Cataract surgeries programme
- Electronic health record sharing system
Benefits and Drawbacks for privatization of health services
- More services to pri sec = waiting list for pub sec , may be shortened
- Pri sec in convenient location and time = patients having easier access to services
- They may trivialize social objectives, such as equitable health services, and primary health care
- In the pursuit of profit, they may reduce manpower which will affect the quality of service
- Since prices are set by the market, service providers have no incentive to keep prices low which reduces the choice of patients who can afford less
- HCS development may become fragmented, unplanned, and uncoordinated because of the domination of PC
Benefits and Drawbacks of lump-sum funding for social services
- Increase the accountability of NGOs
- Providing flexibility to NGOs to introduce innovative initiatives to improve their quality of services
- Staff’s workload may be increased to achieve cost effectiveness
-Subsidy caps may reduce the quality and sustainability of welfare services
- Due to limited resources, salaries for both new and experienced social workers may be reduced