Chapter 3 Human Relations Lecture #7 Flashcards
What executive bridged the gap between classical and human relations?
Charles Barnard (1938) As an executive he didn’t just how one could focus on just a classical organization structure
What two important concepts did Charles Barnard come up with?
Formal vs. informal organizations
Zone of indifference
What was a formal organization?
The Classical organization structure (who is in power and why)
What is the informal organization?
That which coexists with formal in opposition. It is formed through interaction.
What are the 3 characteristics of an informal organization?
Indefinite (No exact way to capture or easily define it) Structure less (don't see definite chains of command) No definite subdivisions of workers (example of administrative assistant being essential to communication department)
What is the Zone of Indifference?
Orders that are followed without question. Trying to broaden that area as much as possible. (Some tasks people will do no matter what, some they will question)
How do they make the Zone of Indifference broader?
Through relationships (most key) and authority. (nature of relationships show how broad the zone of indifference is)
What two theories are key in the human relations movement?
Theory X and Theory Y
Who came up with Theory X and Theory Y?
Douglas McGregor (1960) was a prime advocate of human relations and wrote “The Human Side of Enterprise”. He believed that managers viewed workers either by Theory X or Theory Y.
Which theory can be related to Theory X?
Classical Theory
What are the main elements to Theory X?
- People dislike work, are basically lazy and cannot be trusted
- People must be coerced, controlled, and threatened
- The average human prefers to be directed and wants security above all
Which theory said people dislike work, are basically lazy, and cannot be trusted?
Theory X
Which theory said people must be coerced, controlled, and threatened?
Theory X
Which theory said the average human prefers to be directed and wants security above all?
Theory X
What theory is theory Y connected with?
Human Relations
What are the major elements to Theory Y?
- Work is as natural as rest or play (Its not something people inherently dislike)
- Key to performance is commitment
- Get commitment through job enrichment (give people a reason to be there besides a paycheck, self actualization, no matter what the job is make them feel enrichment)
- Average human seeks responsibility
- People are inherently creative and often underutilized
Which theory think work is as natural as rest or play?
Theory Y
Which theory thinks the key to performance is commitment?
Theory Y
Which theory thinks you get commitment through job enrichment?
Theory Y
Which theory states that humans seek responsibility?
Theory Y
Which theory thinks that people are inherently creative and often underutilized?
Theory Y
Which three things did Communication in Human Relations Theory do or seek to do. What did the Human Relations Theory cause?
- Misunderstandings were resolved and created (focus on individual took focus off of task
- Upward communication was important
- Content-Relationships people have in the workplace