Chapter 3: General Flight Rules Flashcards
What is crew rest?
12-hour rest opportunity prior to first flight duty period (FDP) including time for meals, transpo, opportunity 8 hours uninterrupted sleep
What happens if crew rest is interrupted?
Inform PIC or mission authority and either begin new crew rest period or not perform flight duties
What is considered an interruption to crew rest? What is the only acceptable exception?
Any official business conducted after crew rest. Exception: PIC or designee can initiate mission related comm with official agencies
When does FDP begin and end? How long can the PIC extend it?
Begins when aircrew member first reports for official duty. Ends at engine shutdown of final mission.
PIC can extend it by 2 hours to compensate for unplanned mission delays.
What is max FDP for basic fighter crew? Augmented crew?
12 hours
16 hours
What is needed for night operations?
An operable flashlight
If you wear corrective spectacles what must you carry?
Backup set per MAJCOM
Obtain clearance from ATC prior to what?
Before taxiing, proceeding onto runway, takeoff or landing. Read back all taxi and hold short instructions and obtain specific clearance to cross each runway.
What should aircrew report inflight?
Hazardous weather conditions, wake turbulence, volcanic activity, large concentrations of birds or wildlife, or any other significant condition
When should aircrew declare minimum or emergency fuel?
When aircraft may land at intended destination with less than MDS-specific minimum reserve or emergency fuel
Who should you report laser illumination to?
ATC when it occurs or C2.
Use supplemental oxygen any time cabin pressure altitude exceeds what? If without supplemental oxygen what is max altitude?
14,000’ MSL, don’t exceed an hour between 10,000 and 12,500’ MSL if IMC, night, weapon employment, airdrop, air refueling, high G maneuvering
For loss of cabin pressure what should you do?
Descend below 18,000’ MSL if practical, do not remain above FL250. Be seen by a flight surgeon if cabin altitude exceeds 18,000’ MSL
When should position lights be on?
Sunset to sunrise, when starting or running engines, while being towed
When should anti-collision or strobe lights be on?
Prior to engine start until engine shutdown. Flashing lights may be turned off or reduced in intensity if affect performance of duties.
Turn on landing lights when?
When takeoff clearance received and aircraft on active runway, or operating below 10,000’ MSL
When converging approximately head on, what will aircraft do?
Alter their course to the right
What is needed to conduct operations from a runway?
Operable lighting or high intensity runway reflective markers unless authorized otherwise by MAJCOM
When aircraft are converging and not head-on, which aircraft has right-of-way?
Aircraft to other’s right
What is priority of right-of-way for different categories?
Balloons, gliders, aircraft towing or refueling, airships, rotary or fixed wing aircraft
Between an overtaking and overtaken aircraft, which has right-of-way?
The overtaken aircraft
When two or more aircraft are on final approaching to land, who has right-of-way?
Aircraft at lower altitude but will not use it to cut in front of or overtake the other aircraft
What should be read back to ATC?
Clearances, altitudes, restrictions, vectors, headings, altimeter settings, runway assignments
What descent gradients may cause problems?
Greater than 10 deg may induce spatial disorientation in IMC and not provide effective radar monitoring below 15,000’ AGL
What is considered well clear separation from other aircraft?
Do not navigate using a TACAN unless:
You have valid range AND azimuth
If suitably equipped what must be done with radios?
At least one aircrew member will monitor an emergency Guard frequency
When VFR what should you squawk? VFR or IFR in restricted areas or warning areas or on a VFR MTR (VR)?
1200 VFR
Generally what should aircrew squawk?
Mode 3C
Mode S, ADS-B, and Mode 4/5 IAW MAJCOM/local procedures
When is ADS-B out not required?
For DoD aircraft being operated on behalf of DoD so long as operating Mode 3A/C or Mode S
What will pilots do about resolution advisories (RAs)?
Deviate from ATC instruction, right-of-way rules, cloud clearance or other VFR/IFR requirements as needed to comply with RA
What should aircrew do about Terrain Awareness Warning System/GPWS/GCAS?
Comply with it. During VMC, do not need to be followed if pilot can verify warning false with visual contact of terrain or obstacles
How should aircraft squawk in a formation?
When refueling?
Formation with aircraft interval greater than 3 NM?
- FL will squawk if standard formation
- When refueling, receivers will not squawk if less than 3 NM from tanker
- Both formation lead and last aircraft will squawk Mode 3A/C
When may pilots conduct aerobatic flight?
Within special use airspace (SUA), temporary flight restriction (TFR) if authorized, ATC assigned, aerobatic training area or per 14 CFR part 91.303
Where can air combat tactics and air-to-ground tactics be performed?
In SUA, ATCAA, MTRs, or host-nation approve
When operating at non-towered airfields what should you do?
Use runway favored by winds, make calls on CTAF or UNICOM per AIM
Who is a safety observer?
Current and qualified instrument pilot or fighter weapons system operator with access to a set of flight controls (or per MAJCOM). If non instrument qualified, must be aircrew member or in chase aircraft with continuous visual contact and two-way comm
What is required for simulated emergency flight?
Day VMC for single-pilot
Day IMC with weather at or above circling mins for multi-pilot
Night IMC with weather at or above 1000/2 or circling mins, whichever is greater for multi-pilot