Chapter 14: Arrival Flashcards
When should you not begin a descent or commence an approach?
Reported weather below lowest compatible approach mins
What weather should you use for planning for straight-in or sidestep approaches? Circling approaches? What is this weather for?
Prevailing vis or RVR
Ceiling and vis
For planning whether you need to add gas for a missed approach to your fuel planning. If using vis only you must account for gas for a missed approach; if ceiling and vis, you do not have to.
If reported weather drops below that needed for descent after already descending/receiving radar vectors for approach/on any segment of approach prior to MAP:
You may continue the approach and attempt to land
Do not fly an approach or land at an airport during what conditions?
Thunderstorms or other hazardous conditions are producing hail, strong winds, gust fronts, heavy rain, lightning, wind shear or microbursts unless runway and flight path are clear of hazards
When executing a VFR arrival, what should you tell ATC?
Callsign, position and intentions
Before beginning a descent what should you check?
Weather, heading and att system, review instrument approach, coord lost comm
How do pilots notify ATC they do not wish to fly a STAR?
Write “NO STAR” in FPL remarks
What does “descend via” mean for a STAR?
Follow lateral profile of SID and vertical altitude restrictions per the plate.
If just cleared the STAR, altitude restrictions per the STAR are NOT to be flown, just lateral guidance.
What is default spec for RNAV arrivals?
When told to switch to advisory frequency when at a non-towered field, what should you transmit?
Type of approach, position, and when over FAF/glideslope intercept pt
When should ATC provide the type of approach to expect?
Ceiling below highest initial approach altitude for any low altitude approach or vis less than 3 mi
What are the altitudes published on terminal routing?
Min alt like MEAs which provide nav coverage and obstacle clearance
If cleared for an approach while enroute holding fix not colocated with IAF, what do you do?
Proceed via holding fix or request direct IAF
When cleared an approach while enroute to a holding fix and IAF is on route of flight to holding fix, what should you do?
Continue to IAF and begin approach there
Unless specifically requested by the pilot, where are they vectored to for final approach intercept?
At least 3 mi from FAF, at max intercept of 30 deg (NAS) or 45 deg (ICAO)
When cleared for approach, maintain the last assigned altitude until when?
Until established on a segment of published approach or procedure
What should happen if being vectored across final?
Should be advised by ATC. If not, query ATC but don’t turn to intercept final unless cleared the approach.
When cleared an approach can pilots climb above last assigned altitude to comply with published altitude restrictions?
No. Example: cleared to 3000’ on dogleg to final for ILS and then cleared the ILS. Plate says to be at or above 4000 at that DME. Cannot climb up to that altitude restriction.