ACC Sup Flashcards
When notified of a possible violation, preserve evidence and do what?
Forward investigation results to ACC/A3TV
What are requirements for flight instruments?
Both crewmembers need working flight instruments in IMC or night for tandem seating. All instruments must be working prior to accepting an aircraft from factories or depots
Aircrew can be scheduled for no more than how many days of continuous alert? What must happen after that is maxed out?
7 days; Need a 24 hr break before scheduled again
When can aircrew members not fly?
Crossing 4 or more time zones in a 24 hr period. Not allowed to fly a local training sortie for 48 hrs.
Who is responsible for protecting classified info from uncleared
passengers/orientation riders?
For any mission where cockpit pressure may exceed 18,000’ MSL, what must aircrew do?
Prebreathe 100% oxygen for at least 30 min continuously prior at cabin altitude<10,000’ MSL
How does MARSA work?
Must know letter of agreement w controlling agency and is for IFR
What is min altitude for aerobatic and air combat training?
5000’ AGL or 11-2F-15EV3, whichever is higher. Authorized to maneuver below to extent needed for LOWAT training
Is actual engine shutdown allowed for simulated EPs?
What wind and sea state restrictions flight of ejection seat aircraft?
35 kts steady state wind, 25 kts over water
Significant wave height >10 ft. Not to restrict pt to pt when only a small portion of route affected
For flight below 1000’ AGL crewmember at flight controls must have access to what?
NGA obstruction database is the only approved database for below 1000’ AGL
What is min runway width for operations?
Tail hook aircraft must do what on T/O?
T/O towards compatible arresting system when min go > max abort
Except in an emergency do not land at preplanned destination when…?
Computed landing roll exceeds 80% available runway regardless of arresting gear
Tail hook equipped aircraft will not use what airfields?
Less than 8000’ rwy without compatible arresting gear system (dep end or overrun) as preplanned destination or alternate airfield
Can you T/O or land over slack or loose cables?
When can fighter PICs still file to a destination airpot with weather (ceiling and visibility) forecast below lowest compatible approach mins or PWC?
When they carry and file for two alternates at least 10 NM away from destination, 45 NM apart from each other, both with precision approaches available and must carry fuel for a missed approach
Traveling to what countries/states/regions must you always have an alternate regardless of weather?
Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Hawaii, Iceland, Guam
If you are filing to a remote destination (a location where going to another field is pretty much impossible because of its remoteness), what must you do?
Account for 30 min of holding fuel at destination in fuel planning and fuel for a penetration and approach
Who must sign the flight plan for a formation?
FL. No other signatures are needed, even if FL must abort and cannot continue on the sortie.
When must all players in a formation sign the FPL?
ONLY if filing separately with intent to split the formation and continue under two separate flight plans
What must be done if a significant change to planned flight or routing occurs for a flight taking off or en route?
PIC ensures unit command and control agency is notified when able
What is needed for flight log documents?
Flight log of some sort providing similar information to a Form 70. MAJCOMs through squadrons may approve locally generated flight logs. EFB flight logs count (yay Foreflight!)
In order to increase awareness on potential conflicts with other aircraft, what must now be briefed?
Radar/visual search responsibilities for departure, en route, recovery and high density traffic areas and midair collision avoidance
What weather is needed to takeoff?
Takeoff weather greater than or equal to approach and landing minimums (per PWC as well). OG/CC is approval authority to approve takeoffs with weather below PWC.
What is a suitable takeoff alternate airfield?
One within 30 min for single/twin engine aircraft (that’s about 200 mi for strike eagle)
For a takeoff alternate airfield what must weather be at?
With precision approach: 600/2 from T/O to ETA +/- 1 hr
With non-precision approach: 800/2 or 500/1 above lowest compatible approach mins, whichever is higher, from T/O to ETA +/- 1 hr
How has ACC approved reduced climb gradient?
Can reduce 200’/NM to 152’/NM if deemed operationally necessary
What altitude should you not apply a temperature correction to for cold weather operations?
ATC assigned altitude. If in doubt of obstacle clearance, query ATC.
When do you cold weather correct ALL published IAP altitudes?
- At or below -30 deg C/22 deg F or
- In mountainous terrain at or below 0 deg C/32 deg F
- If procedure turn or IF altitude on IAP is greater than or equal to 3000’ above altimeter setting source (does not include high altitude pen IAF or if only missed altitude meets this criteria) at or below 0 deg C/32 deg F
When do you cold weather correct only altitudes inside FAF or below 1000’ AGL?
At or below 0 deg C/32 deg F
What altitudes are considered part of the IAP for cold weather corrections?
MSAs, missed approach altitudes, ESA, DME arcs etc
When may we fly self contained approaches (SCAs)?
If TERPSed and OG/CC approved:
- w host nation agreement/ATC approval or
- conjunction w compatible publ IAP or
- in SUA or
- under VFR
When may we fly SCAs in conjunction with compatible published IAPs?
Clear of clouds, at least 1 SM in flight vis, able to continue to destination airport
Reported ground visibility at destination at least 1 SM
If planning low approach, T&G or Stop and go under IFR will get IFR climb out
Where are ACC aircrews allowed to fly PAR and ASRs?
To all US military airfields and specially accredited airfields
What elevation should fighter aircrew reference for PWC minimums?
- TDZE or THRE, whichever is published, for straight-in approaches
- Field elevation for circling approaches
Is Reduced Same Runway Separation (RSRS) allowed for ACC aircraft?
Yes. Need procedures for wet runway ops.
When is RSRS not authorized?
- Any situation with an emergency aircraft
- When an aircraft is cleared the option
- When RCR < 12 (worse than wet rwy)
- Touch-and-go behind a full stop or low approach behind a touch-and-go when one of aircraft is heavy type
What is min separation of one aircraft flying over another on the rwy?
500’ lateral or vertical
What is RSRS between similar fighter type aircraft?
3000’ for everything but the following:
- 6000’ at night
- 6000’ f/s behind formation on rwy
- 6000’ for T&G behind f/s
- 6000’ for low approach behind T&G
What is RSRS between dissimilar fighter type aircraft?
6000’ for everything but the following:
- 8000’ at night
- 8000’ f/s behind formation on rwy
Where should T/O commence for ACC aircraft? Where should they land? What is the only arresting system ACC aircraft should not takeoff or land past?
Approach end of runway unless cannot takeoff or land over cables, then approved to takeoff past the cables. Land in designated touchdown zone unless cannot land prior to cables.
Cannot land over raised arresting system such as MA-1A.
Can you fly aircraft into cables for practice?
No. Can have practice taxiing only engagements between 70 and 120 kts GS.
What is needed for night touch-and-gos?
Visual glidepath indication (VGSI like PAPIs or VASIs) or ILS glideslope
Are night overheads allowed?
Only if required for formal training course, syllabus training, instructor proficiency or evaluation
What happens if you don’t maintain precision approach currency for PWC mins?
You downgrade by one CAT…for example, if CAT 2, but not current for precision approach then drop to CAT 3 mins.
What are the CAT mins for PWC?
CAT 1: down to mins CAT 2: 300-1 CAT 3: 500-1 1/2 CAT 4: 700-2 CAT 5: 1500-3
What are PWC currency precision approach requirements?
Prec appch in sim or flight in IMC down to PWC mins under IP supervision under following timeline:
CAT 1: inexp-7 days; exp-14 days
CAT 2: inexp-14 days; exp-45 days *
CAT 3/4: inexp-30 days; exp 45 days *
*If experienced, do not require IP supervision for approach