Chapter 3 - Fashion objectives Flashcards
Fashion cycle
Fashion cycle – life span of a cycle // is a period of time when a fashion trend moves through 5 stages:
Five stages:
- Introduction
- Rise
- Culmination
- Decline
- Obsolescence
Stage 1: Introduction
The fashion cycle begins with a visionary spark. The timing of the introduction of a new fashion into the market is crucial—too early and the idea may not be accepted.
A fashion mood or idea appears on the distant horizon.
A cultural shift occurs.
An innovator acknowledges the idea in new fashion.
Innovators develop concepts containing the seeds for a new fashion direction.
The style is seen as a possible emerging trend at fashion shows during fashion weeks in major cities, in the media, at trade shows, or on the streets.
The innovator may use predictive analysis to obtain data that informs them.
Designers introduce fresh ideas, styles, colors, fabrications, or details.
Fashion leaders and trendsetters experiment with the new styles.
Stage 2: Rise
During this stage of the fashion cycle, a new look continues to move on an upward curve. New trends or combinations of trends are recognized and copied.
Styles are accepted by more people because of wider recognition.
Planning is initiated for mass market.
Styles are copied by manufacturers, reducing price through fabric and production costs, quality, and limited details.
Price drops, quantity increases, and sales increase.
Stage 3: Culmination
The new look reaches the height of the fashion curve and is regarded as a major trend. There is mainstream acceptance of the look, which is recognized as the culmination stage of the fashion cycle.
Height of popularity and use.
Accepted throughout multiple markets.
Mass production with new design details, colors, and innovations.
Possibility for the style to become a classic.
Potential for volume sales in mass market.
Stage 4: Decline
Oversaturated looks are recognized as the beginning of descent on the fashion curve. The principle in effect in this stage is that all fashion ends in excess.
Repetition of looks.
Decline of interest and decrease in demand by consumer.
Market is saturated with fashion product.
Price resistance by consumer.
Retailers mark down merchandise and offer price incentives.
Production slows.
Stage 5: Obsolescence
The final, obsolescence stage of the fashion cycle is the end of the curve. This stage ends in excess.
Lack of interest for look and no interest for the product.
No retail potential at any price.
Consumer is reluctant to buy.
Theories of fashion adoption
- Trickle down or downward flow
you are looking at people who are a certain level of wealth for fashion inspiration, the oldest theory. Gradually the style spreads downward into the lower class. - Trickle across or horizontal flow
Most modern theory, assumes that fashion moves across groups who are similar social levels rather than a higher or lower level. For example, a trend of avocados affects food, paint colors, furniture. Noy just in fashion. - Trickle up / upward flow
Fashion adopted begins from “the street”
Pendulum swing
movement of fashion between extremes
Fashion Curves
something comes in quickly (popular) and moves out quickly. Normally has a specific feature.
something that outlives the fashion cycle (little black dress, denim jeans). A classic look is described as a simple design that sacrifices basic needs.