Chapter 3 Flashcards
The study of risk factors for abnormal behavior includes what three causes?
Necessary Cause
Sufficient Cause
Contributory Cause
Necessary Cause
If Y occurs, X must have preceded
Sufficient Cause
If X occurs, then Y will also occur
Contributory Cause
If X occurs, then the probability of Y increases
Bidirectionality refers to what concept?
Did X cause Y, or Y cause X?
Relatively distal necessary or contributory cause that ISN’T sufficient to cause the disorder
Response of an organism to environmental stimulus
Distal causal factors occur…
Far in the past
Proximal causal factors occur…
What causes the many competing explanations for how abnormal behavior is created?
Complexity of the brain (100B neurons with 15k dendrites/neuron)
Biological Viewpoint
- Neurotransmitter and Hormonal Abnormalities
- Genetics
- Temperament
- Brain Dysfunction and Neural Plasticity
What does the Biological Viewpoint say about Neurotransmitter and Hormonal Abnormalities?
Has been proven to cause abnormal behavior (Ex. Craddock’s PMS)
What are the two main contributing factors to schizophrenia?
Too much dopamine/not enough glutamate
What does the Biological Viewpoint say about genetics?
Genetic influences are rooted in hundreds of genes, but can make significant difference
What causes Down Syndrome?
Chromosome 21 translocation, or having three copies of chromosome 21
In what ways can genes be unfolded by their environment?
Passive (talking to kids is good for them), evocative (verbal children cause people to talk to them), Active (child may embrace talking and join debate team)
What are the traditional ways of studying genetic influences?
Family History
Twin Method
Adoption Method
What does the Biological Viewpoint say about temperament?
Reactivity and characteristic ways at early age forms basis from which personality develops
At 2-3 months of age, what dimensions of temperament can be identified?
Fearfulness Irritability and Frustration Positive Affect Activity Level Attentional Persistence
What are the dimensions of temperament strongly related to?
Dimensions of adult personality:
Neuroticism or negative emotionality
Extraversion or positive emotionality
The Behavioral/Cognitive Viewpoint is based on what?
Classical conditioning, focusing on how thoughts and processing are distorted
What are the three concepts that the Behavioral/Cognitive viewpoint separates thought processing into?
- Schema, or underlying systems built for processing
- Attributions, or the process of assigning causes to things that happen
- Attributional style, or the characteristic way that one assigns causes to good or bad events
Generalization of response refers to what?
If a response is conditioned to one stimulus, it can be evoked by other similar stimuli
Discrimination of response refers to what?
Learning to distinguish between similar stimuli