Chapter 13 Flashcards
Psychosis means
a significant loss of contact with reality
Schizophrenia occurs in about
1/100 of the general population
Which of the following accounts for the belief that schizophrenia is more common in males than females?
Females have less severe symptoms
Who has the highest risk of developing schizophrenia?
A person whose father was over 50 when he/she was born
The majority of cases of schizophrenia begin in
late adolescence/early adulthood
dementia praecox
Early mental degradation
Delusions are
disturbances in the content of thought
What would be an example of a delusion?
Bob thought the CIA was controlling his thoughts
Sterling believes that the TV special on last night told her that she should break up with her boyfirend. This type of beilef is an example of
delusion of reference
How common are delusions in schizophrenia?
> 90%
Hallucinations are
sensory experiences with no basis in reality
What is the most common type of hallucination seen in schizo?
Voices in your head
What type of hallucinations are the most common?
Neuroimaging studies of hallucinating patients suggest that auditory halucinations
reflect a cognitive error
People with schizo have difficulty with the form of thought. This is observed in…
disorganized speech.
Negative symptoms are
characterized as an absence of normal behaviors
Most individuals with schizophrenia
display a mix of positive and negative symptoms
What is most common in individuals with paranoid schizophrenia?
Reference delusions
Which of the following people is more likely exhibiting paranoid schizophrenia?
The woman who believes that she is being persecuted because she is Helen of Troy
Disorganized schizo
is characterized by disorganized speech
Which of the following is likely a sign of disorganized schizo?
Peter appears to feel no emotion and tends to make odd facial expressions and movements
Which of the following statements is correct about the changes for the diagnosis of schizo in the DSM-5?
Subtypes of schizophrenia were removed but the diagnosis of schizo remains
Patients in a catatonic stupor show
pronounced motor symptoms
There is some debate as to whether _____________ is a variant of another mood disorder