Chapter 3 Flashcards
Represent a system of moral principles and standards
Nuremberg code
A set of ethical principles essential for a medical experiments to be permissible
Belmont report
And ethics code that provides the foundation for US federal regulations governing research on humans
Three primary ethical principles on the Belmont report
Respect for persons
Common rule
Our United States federal policy that specifies ethics regulations for human subjects research
APA ethics code
Describes a general ethical principles and specific ethical standards to guide psychologists professional behavior
General principles in the APA ethics code
Beneficence and nonmaleficence
Fidelity and responsibility
respect for peoples rights and dignity
Means that psychologist should behave in a trustworthy manner
Involves adhering to professional codes of conduct and not exploiting people
Means that psychologist should be honest and truthful and should not engage in fraud
Calls upon psychologists to recognize that the benefits of the research, and of psychological science as a whole, should be made available to all persons
Psychologist should strive to benefit those with whom they work
Psychologist should be careful not to cause harm
Psychologist to respect dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentially, and self determination
Institutional review board
An independent institutional committee that evaluate whether propose research with you in participants complies with federal ethics regulations
Risk benefit ratio
The evaluation of risk relative to benefits
Minimal risk
The probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves and those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examination or tests
At risk
When I proposed study involves more than minimal risk
The participants and identity is unknown even to the researcher
The participants identities will not be released without their consent, and data from the study will be reported in a way that does not identify individual participants
Informed consent
The principal that people have the right to make a voluntary, informed decision about whether to participate in the study
That even though the person might not be able to comprehend the details of a study to the degree listed on a consent form, he or she provide some evidence of being willing to agree to participate in the study
Occurs when researchers intentionally withhold information from potential participants, that might influence their decision to provide informed consent or intentionally misleading participants about some aspect of a study study
An accomplice at the investigator who is trying to act a certain way
Occurs when the future participants learn information from previous participants that they are not supposed to know until after data collection is completed