Chapter 27-The Rise of Globalism Flashcards
Who was the dictator of Iraq who invaded the tiny, oil-rich kingdom of Kuwait in August 1990?
Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein was the dictator of what country and invaded Kuwait in August 1990?
In August 1990, Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq, invaded the tiny, oil-rich kingdom of:
Who was the U.S. President who, along with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, prepared to protect the other Arab nations, repulse the Iraqi threat, and liberate Kuwait?
George H. W. Bush
What operation began on January 16, 1991, as UN forces took the offenses and began round-the-clock bombing of Iraqi troop positions and headquarters?
Operation Desert Storm
In what year on January 16 did Operation Desert Storm begin?
President Bush placed ____________________, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in command of Operation Desert Storm; for the first time since World War II, the American President and Congress followed the counsel of a military commander.
General Colin Powell
Who was appointed to lead the troops into combat in the fight against Iraq?
General Norman Schwarzkopf
What is a violent act committed by a person or group that is meant to make others cower in fear, usually for political or religious purposes?
Who was the Saudi-born Islamic terrorist who headed al-Qaeda, a terrorist network of Islamic fundamentalists, and was the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks?
Osama bin Laden
The terrorist Osama bin Laden headed what terrorist network of Islamic fundamentalists?
What American president declared a “war on terrorism” within days of the 9-11 attack, and created the Bush Doctrine?
George W. Bush
What was the doctrine that warned that nations that harbored terrorists would be treated as enemies by the United States?
Bush Doctrine
The United States demanded that the fanatical Islamic government in Afghanistan, called the _________________, surrender Osama bin Laden, the terrorist behind the 9-11 attacks. When the Islamic government refused to turn over bin Laden, American forces invaded the nation, toppling the government.
What was the exact date for Bush ordering the bombing of Iraq, with the support of Congress, and by April 9 Saddam Hussein’s government had toppled as U.S. forces controlled most of Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad?
March 19, 2003
The collapse of Hussein’s government in Iraq did not end problems in Iraq. Pockets of Muslim terrorist groups, called ________________, continued to fight.
Iran showed some signs of moderation when its people elected the moderate __________________ in 1997, but was replaced in 2004.
Mohammed Katami
Who was elected president of Iran in 2005, who supported the annihilation of Israel?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Who was the British Prime Minister who immediately supported the United States in denouncing the terrorist attacks and in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and was the longest-ruling Labour prime minister?
Tony Blair
Who was Pakistan’s president who unlike some of the other Muslim leaders, sided quickly with the United States, and supported the U.S. opposition to the Taliban and the invasion into Afghanistan to capture bin Laden by allowing the U.S. to use airbases in Pakistan?
Pervez Musharraf
Who was the person who opposed Musharraf, called for democratic reforms, had earlier been Pakistan’s first female prime minister, and was assassinated in December of 2007 and Musharraf was blamed for the attack?
Benazir Bhutto
Much of the conflict between Pakistan and India has been over ________________, located in a predominately Muslim region of the Himalayas, which was occupied by India in the 1940s.
The rise of a global economy and increased competition from foreign regions, especially the nation’s of the Pacific Rim, prompted a movement toward further European economic integration, resulting in the _______________ in December 1991; which set in motion a plan to form a European central bank with a single, unified currency for all the members of the European Economic Community by January 1, 1999.
Maastricht Treaty
In 1994, the European Economic Community (EEC) became known as the:
European Union (EU)
Who succeeded Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair, was Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, was also a member of the Labour Party, and like Blair, continued to face the problems surrounding terrorism and whether or not Great Britain would adopt the European Union treaty?
Gordon Brown
What is the 31-mile-long tunnel beneath the English Channel, linking Great Britain and France, that began construction in 1987?
Who was France’s Socialist president whose unprecedented 14-year reign came to an end in 1995?
François Mitterand
Who succeeded François Mitterand in Britain, was in office from 1995-2007, and was a representative of a Conservative party coalition?
Jacques Chirac
Who was elected president in Britin in 2007, succeeded Jacques Chirac, and was noted for his conservative and pro-American views?
Nickolas Sarkozy
Who was the German chancellor who led his country from 1982 to 1998, making him the longest-ruling leader in Germany’s postwar history?
Helmut Kohl
Who was the woman succeeded Helmut Kohl as chancellor in Germany in 2005, making her the first woman chancellor in Germany’s history?
Angela Merkel
What is democratic socialism now referred to as, and is a coalition of private industry and government?
Managed capitalism
What were the two republics who declared their independence in June 1991, and Serbian forces attacked shortly after?
What two republics declared their independence shortly after Slovenia and Croatia did?
What Muslim capital of Bosnia did the Serbian forces lay siege to, and began to bombard the city with artillery and small-arms fire?
Reports of _________________ (genocide) of Muslims by the Serbs resulted in UN condemnation of Serbia.
Ethnic cleansing
Following NATO’s show of force against the Bosnia Serbs, Serbian president _________________ urged the Bosnian Serbs to end hostilities, and a cease-fire was agreed to in October 1995.
Slobodan Milošević
Serbian President Slobodan Milošević urged the Bosnian Serbs to end hostilities, and a cease-fire was agreed to in October 1995. The various factions later met at a peace conference at a U.S. Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio, resulting in the:
Daytona Peace Accords
What is the autonomous region within Serbia, mainly populated by Albanians, where unrest between the Albanians (Muslims) and Serbians (Eastern Orthodox) continued?
In 1994, Russian President Yeltsin sent 40,000 Russian troops to the dissident republic of ________________ in the Caucasus Mountains to brutally crush the nation’s independence movement.
Who was Yeltsin’s successor, was appointed to be his successor in 2000, and under him many of the Russian’s new freedoms were reversed?
Vladimir Putin
Who did was Putin’s protégé, and was selected to follow Putin in office?
Dmitri Medvedev
Who was the leader of China who pursued his plan of Four Modernizations, aimed at improvements in industry, military, technology, and agriculture?
Deng Xiaoping
Under Deng Xiaoping, China pursued his plan of ____________________, aimed at improvements in industry, military, technology, and agriculture.
Four Modernizations
After World War II, North Korea was ruled by the Communist dictator __________________, whose regime has been heavily supported by the Soviet Union and China, but over time became more isolated, even from its Communist neighbors.
Kim Il Sung
Who succeeded Kim Il Sung in 1994, and North Korea became the only Communist dynasty?
Kim Jong Il
Who succeeded Kim Jong Il in 2009, continuing the Communist dynasty whose aggressive actions are a growing concern for nations around the world?
Kim Jong UN
In what country, which became independent of South Africa in 1990, did the UN and the United States negotiate a peace agreement that provided for the withdrawal of Cuban and Angolan troops and recognized the “South West Africa People’s Organization” as the official government of the country?
In Namibia, the UN and the United States negotiated a peace agreement that provided for the withdrawal of Cuban and Angolan troops and recognized the ___________________, a Marxist terrorist group, as the official government of Namibia.
SWAPO, “South West Africa People’s Organization”
In what two countries in central Africa were events dominated by bloody conflicts and between 1994 and 1995, at least 500,000 people died in one of these countries when the Hutu tribe attacked the Tutsi tribe?
Rwanda (tribe attacks)
Between 1994 and 1995, at least 500,000 people died in Rwanda when what tribe attacked what people?
Hutu tribe attacked the Tutsi people
In 1991, a civil war broke out in the East African nation of:
Along the West African coast, the country of ______________ also experienced a civil war that began in 1989. A series of shaky cease-fire agreements gave some respite from the violence, but heavily armed gangs of youths still stalked the streets of Monrovia, the capital city.
Who became the leader of Liberia on September 3, 1996, becoming the first woman head of state in Africa?
Ruth Perry
One of the most serious conflicts involving Muslim terrorism unfolded in the ________________, Africa’s largest country, where the Islamic government of the north waged a war of persecution against the Christian and animist Nubian tribes of the south.
In what country did the government which had emerged in the early 1990s respond to the influence of Christian missionaries with a commitment to rebuild its economy and political institutions on biblical principles?
When the trade sanctions became too heavy for South Africa’s economy to bear, the South African government released Marxist agitator and head of the African National Congress, __________________, from prison in 1990 and agreed to share power with the ANC, long dominated by the South African Communist Party.
Nelson Mandela
When the trade sanctions became too heavy for South Africa’s economy to bear, the South African government released Marxist Nelson Mandela from prison in 1990 and agreed to share power with the ANC, long dominated by the:
South African Communist Party (SACP)
Who succeeded Fidel Castro in 2006 as president of Cuba, and was Fidel’s brother?
Raul Castro
What country was experiencing a crisis of widespread violence and terrorism launched by “drug lords” and Marxist guerrillas by the 1990s?
What country struggled against Marxist revolutionaries, who especially worked at squelching Christianity in this country by brutally harassing and attacking missionaries and Peruvian Christians?
The success of Contra freedom fighters in what country resulted in free elections in 1990?
In the free elections in Nicaragua in 1990, what Communist Sandinista leader was defeated by Violeta Barrios de Chamorro?
Daniel Ortega
In the free elections in Nicaragua in 1990, the Communist Sandinistas leader Daniel Ortega was defeated by:
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro
In what country did the longest war against Communist guerrillas ended in December 1996 after 36 years of conflict when the established government reached an accord with Marxist rebel leaders?
In 1993, Mexico joined with the United States and Canada in the:
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Despite movement toward more trade and privatization in the economy, Mexico was beset with political and economic problems, including a guerrilla war waged by Marxist rebels in southern Mexico against the ____________________, which had ruled Mexico since 1929?
Institutional Revolutionary Party
Canada, the world’s second largest country, achieved complete independence from Great Britain in:
Socialism became more prevalent under Prime Minister ___________________ of Canada’s Liberal Party, who held power most of the time from 1968 to 1984.
Pierre Trudeau
Who became Canada’s prime minister in 1993, was a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, and was Canada’s first woman prime minister?
Kim Campbell
Who became the new prime minister of Canada after the 2006 election, and was from the Conservative Party?
Stephen Harper
Believing that Communism was “dead,” people looked forward to a new era of world peace and prosperity. In 1990, President Bush proclaimed that the world was poised on the brink of what he called a:
“New world order”
In 1994, the U.S. Congress approved the _______________________. It created a world tribunal known as the World Trade Organization (WTO) which coordinates trade policy.
General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
In 1994, the U.S. Congress approved the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It created a world tribunal known as the _________________ which coordinates international trade policy.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
President Clinton committed U.S. troops to the UN “peace-keeping” effort in Bosnia and sent troops to ______________ to reinstate Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a ruthless dictator supported by the UN.
President Clinton committed U.S. troops to the UN “peace-keeping” effort in Bosnia and sent troops to Haiti to reinstate __________________, a ruthless dictator supported by the UN.
Jean Bertrand Aristide
In December 1996, the Clinton administration chose _________________, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, as secretary of state. She was the first woman to hold that position.
Madeline Albright
Who was elected president in the 2000 elections, and he identified himself with the traditional values and the interests of conservative mainstream Americans?
George W. Bush
Who was elected the 44th President in the 2008 elections, and became the first black American President of the United States?
Barack Obama
As the 1990s commenced, the Asian region was the most dynamic economic sphere of world activity, especially along the _________________, which is those regions directly bordering the Pacific Ocean.
Pacific Rim
In 1989, a group of 18 nations extending from the Americas to Southeast Asia formed the _____________________, which aimed to eliminate all trade barriers along the Pacific Rim by 2020, and now accounts for 45 percent of the world’s trade.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Group
In 1867, Japan entered the modern age under _________________. Following American and European models, Japan quickly became an industrial power.
Who was the emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989, who symbolized the role of tradition in Japanese life, which has kept the Japanese in bondage to the religions of Budhism and Shintoism?
Who became the military governor of Japan after World War II; and his wise reforms, coupled with traditional Japanese virtues, began to raise a new Japan out of the ashes of defeat?
General Douglas MacArthur
By the 1980s, Japan boasted the second largest ___________________ in the world after the United States.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
What emperor of Japan visited the Chinese mainland in October 1992, the first Japanese emperor to visit China in over 2,000 years?
Earlier in the year of 1992, the Japanese sent peacekeeping troops to what country, making it the first time since World War II that Japanese forces were deployed outside Japan?
Who was elected as the new president of Taiwan in March 1996, becoming the first democratically elected leader in Chinese history?
Lee Teng-hui
The Chinese Communist plan to take over Taiwan hinged on the Chinese’s treatment of the British colony of _______________ which took place on July 1, 1997.
Hong Kong
Who became the first civilian president of South Korea since the early 1960s in 1993?
Kim Young Sam
When did the Philippines receive independence from the United States, becoming the Republic of the Philippines?
July 4, 1946
What country received its independence from the United States on July 4, 1946, making it the:
Republic of the Philippines
Who was the president of the Philippines from 1965 until 1968, when he fled the country after losing his political and military support?
Ferdinand E. Marcos
Who was Benigno Aquino’s widow who ran for president in the Philippines in 1986, and lost the election but became president after winning president fled?
Corazon Aquino
What are the two other names for Indonesia?
Spice Islands
East Indies
In the 1700s, the Dutch made Indonesia into a colony called:
The Netherland East Indies
Who was Indonesia’s first president, governed as a dictator under a system which he called “guided democracy”?
Achmed Sukarno
After a series of economic social disasters for Indonesia, Communists staged a military _______________ in 1965.
What general of the Indonesian army put down the Communist revolt in 1965, replaced Sukarno as president, and began to seek ties with the west?
What is the tiny country at the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula?
In 1963, Malaya, Singapore, and parts of Borneo united to form the ____________________, but Singapore left the federation two years later and became an independent state.
Federation of Malaysia
What country was called Siam before 1945, and is the only Southeast Asian country never to have been ruled by a Western power?
What is the official name of Thailand?
Muang Thai
What was Thailand called before 1945?
What was Myanmar formerly known as?
What country, formerly known as Burma, was made into a province of British India in the 1880s?
The Burma Socialist Program Party, the only political party permitted in Myanmar, renamed the country the:
Union of Myanmar
Who has been prime minister of India since 2004, and emphasized “the human element” of Indian politics and vowed to help the poor farmers and the unemployed?
Manhoman Singh
After the Persian Gulf War, millions of _____________ fled to Turkey and Iran, seeking refuge from hostile Iraqi forces.
The stalemate over the issue of the PLO negotiating the future of the Palestinians created frustration among the more militant Palestinian groups, resulting in a wave of violent demonstrations in the occupied territories known as the Palestinian:
Under what Israeli prime minister did Israel’s ruling Labour Party agree to the Oslo Accords?
Yitzhak Rabin
Under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli’s ruling Labor Party agreed to the _____________________ in 1993, where Israeli negotiators agreed to trade “land for peace” with the Palestinians.
Oslo Accords
The Gaza Strip and the West Bank city of ____________________ became a part of a new Palestinian state represented by a ruling body known as the Palestinian Authority, with Yassir Arafat as president.
In May 1996, Israelis were most concerned with security matters and elected _________________, a member of the conservative Likud party, as prime minister.
Benjamin Netanyahu
In January 1997, the ________________ were negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, where Israel agreed to a phased troop withdrawal from the city of Hebron, retaining its presence only in the small Jewish sector.
Hebron Accords
With the denouncement of Israeli’s “war on terrorism,” and denouncing Yassir Arafat as “the enemy of the entire free world,” the Israeli Defense Force launched _____________________, a series of attacks against the terrorist with the goals of reducing the terrorist threat in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and isolating Arafat at his compound.
Operation Defensive Shield
Israel followed up Operation Defensive Shield with ___________________ on June 19,2002, as an even more intense operation to put pressure on the Palestinians to renounce terrorism.
Operation Determined Path
What did President George W. Bush announce in 2002, that called for the Palestinian Authority to stop coddling terrorists, and in return Israel would concede to a “two-state” solution which would consist of a Palestinian state that would consist of a Palestinian state that would coexist along Israel?
Roadmap for Peace
One of the greatest natural disasters experienced by the a United States happened on August 29, 2005, as hurricane _____________ battered the Gulf Coast, killing over 1,300 people on Louisiana and Mississippi.
What natural disaster hit China’s Sichuan province on August 30, 2008, killing at least 69,000 people?
Wenchuan earthquake
What technology did scientists develop which allowed for a message to be routed in another direction should the initial communication channel be blocked?
Packet switching
By the mid-1970s military and university computers were linked together in a system called ___________________. In the 1980s, this network became known as the Internet.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
What device represents the degree that different kinds of technology can be integrated into one device?
Cellular phone
Radio Frequency Identification _____________ chips, one of the various precision tracking systems associated with GPS technology, are used as tracking devices on patients and expensive equipment, in animals, on retail inventory, and in traffic-monitoring systems.
The space race of the Cold War era between America and Russia yielded to a multinational effort in establishing the _________________. This was the largest and most intricate global project to be undertaken to this date.
International Space Station
What Chinese astronaut blasted off from the Gobi desert and orbited the earth for 21 hours on October 15?
Yang Liwei
What is one of the main studies emerging from biochemistry that is the belief that order in the universe is not that the result of random combinations, but the design of an intelligent being, though not necessarily the God of the Bible.
Intelligent Design
Who is the evolutionist biochemist who recognizes that a designer was necessary for the existence of life, and advanced irreducible complexity?
Michael Behe
Michael Behe advanced _________________, the idea that some biological systems, like the eye, are irreducibly complex, that is, it’s components could not have evolved to perform their basic function.
Irreducible complexity
For some time, many governments have relinquished the responsibility to defend the life of the unborn child by either allowing or sanctioning:
Groups like __________________ and even organizations like the United Nations widely embrace the slogan “pro-choice,” which is used as a means of population control.
Planned Parenthood
What is the killing of the weak or infirmed, and in 2002, Holland became the First Nation to legalize this?
What is the study of the moral implications and applications of biological research, predicting the impact of new scientific changes on mankind and planet earth?
What is a highly controversial topic in bioethics, when stem cells, those cells whose future type has not yet been determined, are injected into human bodies have the ability to restore damaged organs?
Stem cell research
What is a God-given absolute standard of ethics, which post modernists reject the idea of?
What is the pantheistic and evolutionistic view that places animals and plants on the same level as humans?
Modern environmentalism
What is the belief that the general temperature of the earth and its oceans is being warmed due to pollution and greenhouse gases, and environmentalists claim that a reduction in emissions by fossil fuel burning vehicles and factories will help stop this?
Global warming
International pressure came from the __________________. It was designed to require nations to reduce greenhouse emissions to baselines during the 1990s?
Kyoto Protocol