Chapter 24 Employee Training And Development Flashcards
The state of being liable for a specific activity. 2. All information is attributable to its source (person or device)
ADDIE model
Training and development method that is defined as Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
Federal legislation which ensures equal opportunity for and elimination of discrimination against persons with disabilities (Public Law 110-325 2008)
Not at the same time; web-based courses where learners and instructors interact through e-mail or discussion forms
A learning technique in which participants in different locations can learn together via telephone lines while listening to a presenter and looking at handouts or books
The right to make decisions and take actions necessary to carry out assigned tasks
Created representation of a user in a multiuser virtual environment
Big data
Data sets so large and complex that new tools for analysis are required
Blended learning
A training strategy that uses a combination of techniques-such as lecture, web-based training, or programmed text-to appeal to a variety of learning styles and maximize the advantages of each training method
Web logs that provide a web page where users can post text, images, and links to other websites
Career plan
A strategic plan for an individual, providing direction, goals, and an action plan to reach those goals
Case studies
A type of nonparticipant observation in which researchers investigate one person, one group, or one institution in depth
A training method in which an experienced person gives advice to a less-experienced worker on a formal or informal basis 2. A disciplinary method used as the first step for employees who are not meeting performance expectations
Demonstrated skills that a worker should perform at a high level
Computer-based training (CBT)
A type of training that is delivered partially or completely using a computer
Continuing education (CE)
Training that enables employees to remain current with advancing knowledge in their profession
The training to learn a job other than the employee’s primary responsibility
A prescribed course of study in an educational program
The process by which managers distribute work to others along with the authority to make decisions and take action
Maintaining or upgrading competencies
Diversity training
Training that facilitates an environment that fosters tolerance and appreciation of individual differences within the organization’s workforce
Refers to training courses delivered electronically
Electronic performance support system (EPSS)
Sets of computerized tools and displays that automate training, as well as documentation, and integrate this automation with the computer application
Employee handbook
Presentation of policies and requirements that all employees must know, such as insurance programs, payroll requirements, and personnel policies, in a guide given to new employees during orientation
The condition of having the environment and resources to perform a job independently
Ethics training
Training that includes how to recognize ethical dilemmas and draw upon codes of conduct to resolve problems
Group discussion
Learners from smaller groups to generate ideas through interactive sharing of ideas; effective following a lecture
Incentive pay
A system of bonuses and rewards based on employee productivity; often used in transcription areas of healthcare facilities
In-service education
Training that teaches employees specific skills required to maintain or improve performance, usually internal to an organization
A private information network that is similar to the Internet and whose services are located inside a firewall or security barrier so that the general public cannot gain access to information housed within the network
Job rotation
A work design in which workers are shifted periodically among different tasks
Just-in-time training
Training provided anytime, anyplace, and just when it is needed
What occurs in the individual to achieve the changes in behavior, knowledge, attitudes, abilities, and skills that are desired
Learning content management system (LCMS)
Management system that provides a technical framework to develop the content and permit sharing and reusing content
Learning curve
The time required to acquire and apply certain skills so that new levels of productivity and performance exceed prelearning levels (productivity often is inversely related to the learning curve)
Learning management system (LMS)
A software application that assists with managing and tracking learners and learning events and collating data on learner progress
Method in which the instructor delivers content and the student listen and observes primarily one-way communication
Mobile learning; the application of e-learning to mobile computing devices and wireless networks
Massed training
Training in a highly concentrated session
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
An online course with unlimited participation and open access offered via the Internet
A trusted advisor or counselor; an experienced individual who educates and trains another individual within an occupational setting
The inner drive to accomplish a task
Multiuser virtual environment (MUVE)
Sometimes called virtual worlds, MUVEs are accessed over the Internet and can be used to simulate a work environment and bring a new dimension to learning
Needs assessment
A procedure performed by collecting and analyzing data to determine what is required, lacking, or desired by an employee, a group, or an organization
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) (1970)
The federal legislation that established comprehensive safety and health guidelines for employers (Public Law 91-596 1970)
Outsourcing jobs to countries overseas, wherein local employees abroad perform jobs that domestic employees previously performed
Formal new employee orientation process
One-on-one training
In this type of training, the employee learns by first observing a demonstration and then performing the task
On-the-job training
A method of training in which an employee learns necessary skills and processes by performing the functions of his or her position
Programmed learning
Learning that allows students to progress at their own pace; it presents material, questions the learner, and provides immediate responses with either positive or negative reinforcement
Programmed learning module
Lead learners through subject material that is presented in short sections, followed immediately by a series of questions that require a written response based on the section just presented; answers are provided in the module for immediate feedback
The act of being raised in position or rank
The process of increasing the probability of a desired response through reward
The accountability required as part of a job, such as supervising work performed by others or managing assets or funds
Reverse mentoring
The new employee mentors a senior person on subjects in which he or she may have more expertise; such as use of social media or digital technologies
Role playing
A training method in which participants are required to respond to specific problems they may actually encounter in their jobs
A training technique for experimenting with real-world situations by means of a computerized model that represents the actual situation
The process of influencing the behavior and attitudes of a new employee to adapt positively to the work environment
Spaced training
The process of learning a task in sections separated by time
Strategic management
The process a leader and their leadership team uses for assessing a changing environment to create a vision of the future; determining how the organization fits into the future environment based on its mission, vision, and knowledge of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and then setting in motion a strategic plan of action to position the organization accordingly
Succession planning
A specific type of promotional plan in which senior-level position openings are anticipated and candidates are identified from within the organization; the candidates are given training through formal education, job rotation, and mentoring so that they can eventually assume these positions
Occurring at the same time
Task analysis
A procedure for determining the specific duties and skills required of a job
Team building
The process of organizing and acquainting a team and building skills for dealing with later team processes
Train the trainer
A method of training certain individuals who, in turn, will be responsible for training others on a task or skill
A set of activities and materials that provide the opportunity to acquire job-related skills, knowledge, and abilities
Virtual reality
Computer-based training approach that utilizes devices or programs replicating tasks away from the job site
A learning technique that offers one- or twoway video together with two-way audio
Seminar delivered via a web browser, either real-time or as a recorded broadcast
A collection of webpages that together form a collaborative website