Chapter 16 - Healthcare Statistics Flashcards
Patients who are admitted and discharged on the same day
Adults and children (in a daily census)
Arithmetic Mean
The sum of all the numbers in a group of data is divided by the number of items in that group of data
The postmortem examinations of the organs and tissues of a body to determine the cause of death or pathological conditions
Average Daily Census
The mean number of hospital inpatients present in the hospital each day for a given period
Bed Turnover Rate
The average number of times a bed changes occupant during a given period
Case Mix Index (CMI)
The average relative weight of all cases treated at a given facility or by a given physician, which reflects the resource intensity or clinical severity of a specific group in relation to the other groups in the classification system
Descriptive Statistics
A set of statistical techniques used to describe data such as means, frequency distributions, and standard deviations. Statistical information that describes the characteristics of a specific group or a population
The study of the distribution and determinants of health problems in specified populations and the application of this study to control health problems
Fetal Death
The death of a product of human conception before its complete expulsion or extraction from the mother regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
Fetal Death Rate
Statistics A proportion that compares the number of intermediate or late fetal deaths to the total number of live births and intermediate or late fetal deaths during the same period
Gross Autopsy Rate
The number of inpatient autopsies conducted during a given period divided by the total number of inpatient deaths for the same period
Gross Death Rate
The number of inpatient deaths that occurred during a given period divided by the total number of inpatient discharges, including deaths, for the same period
Health Statistics
Providing information for understanding, monitoring, improving, and planning the use of resources to improve the lives of people, provide services, and promote their wellbeing
Hospital Autopsy Rate
The total number of autopsies performed by a hospital pathologist for a given period divided by the number of deaths of hospital patients whose bodies were available for autopsy for the same period
Hospital Death Rate
The number of inpatient deaths for a given period divided by the total number of live discharges and deaths for the same period
Hospital Inpatient
A patient who is provided with room, board, and continuous general nursing services in an area of an acute care facility where patients generally stat at least overnight
Hospital Newborn Inpatient
A patient born in the hospital at the beginning of the current inpatient hospitalization
Hospital Outpatient
A hospital patient who receives services in one or more of a hospital’s facilities when he or she is not currently an inpatient or a home care patient
Incidence Rate
A computation that compares the number of new cases of a specific disease for a given period to the population at risk for the disease during the same period
Infection Rate
The ratio of all infections to the number of discharges, including deaths
Inferential Statistics
Statistics that are used to make inferences from a smaller group of data to a large one A set of statistical techniques that allows researchers to generalize about a population’s characteristics based on a sample’s characteristics
Inpatient Admission
An acute-care facility’s formal acceptance of a patient who is to be provided with room, board, and continuous nursing service in an area of the facility where patients generally stay at least overnight
Inpatient Bed occupancy Rate
The total number of inpatient service days for a given period divided by the total number of inpatient bed count days for the same period
Inpatient Census
Indicates the number of patients present in the healthcare facility at a particular point in t ime
Inpatient Discharge
The termination of hospitalization through the formal release of an inpatient from a hospital
Inpatient Service Day
The unit of measure denoting the services received by one inpatient in one 24-hour period
Length of Stay
The total number of patient days for an inpatient episode, calculated by subtracting the date of admission from the date of discharge
Maternal Death rate
Calculated by dividing the total number of direct maternal deaths by the total number of maternal (OB) discharges, including deaths, for a given period.
A measure of central tendency that shows the midpoint of a frequency distribution when the observations have been arranged in order from lowest to highest
A measure of central tendency that consists of the most frequent observation in a frequency distribution
National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
The oldest and most successful example of intergovernmental data sharing in public health, and the shared relationships, standards, and procedures that form the mechanism by which NCHS collects and disseminates the nations official vital statistics. These data are provided through contracts between NCHS and vital registration systems operated in the various jurisdictions and legally responsible for the registration of vital events- births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and fetal deaths
Net Autopsy Rate
The ratio of inpatient autopsies compared to inpatient deaths calculated by dividing the total number of inpatient autopsies performed by the hospital pathologist for a given period by the total number of inpatient deaths minus un-autopsied corners’ or medical examiners’ cases for the same period
Net Death Rate
The total number of inpatient deaths minus the number of deaths that occurred less than 48 hours after admission for a given period divided by the total number of inpatient discharges minus the number of deaths that occurred less than 48 hours after admission for the same period
Newborn Death Rate
The number of newborns who died divided by the total number of newborns, both alive and dead
Nosocomial Infection Rate
The number of hospital-acquired infections for a given period divided by the total number of inpatient discharges for the same period
Notifiable Diseases
A disease that must be reported to a government agency so that regular, frequent, and timely information on individual cases can be used to prevent and control future cases of the disease
Population-based Statistics
Statistics based on a defined population rather than on a sample drawn from the same population
Prevalence Rate
The proportion of people in a population who have a particular disease at a specific point in t ime or over a specified period.
Primary Data Source
Source that contains information about a patient documented by the professionals who provided care or services to that patient
A measure used to compare an event over time. A comparison of the number of times an event did happen with the number of times an event could have happened.
A calculation found by dividing one quantity by another. A general term that can include several specific measures such as proportion, percentage, and rate
Secondary Data Source
Data derived from the primary patient record, such as an index or a database
A branch of mathematics concerned with collecting, organizing, summarizing, and analyzing data