Chapter 12 - Health Information Technologies Flashcards
Administrative applications
Application that must also connect to EHR systems include admission, discharge, transfer (R-ADT); enterprise master patient index or master patient index (EMPI or MPI); encoders, chart tracking, chart deficiency management, release of information; order communication/results reporting (OC/RR); quality assurance (QA), including core measures abstracting (which pulls specified, quality-related data from health records for reporting to the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services); and many others
Ancillary systems
Clinical department applications that include laboratory information systems (LISs), radiology information systems (RISs), pharmacy information systems, and others
Audit trail
A chronological set of computerized records that provides evidence of information system activity (logins and logouts, file accesses) used to determine security violations. 2. A record that shows who has accessed a computer system, when it was accessed, and what operations were performed
Automated drug dispensing machines
System that makes drugs available for patient care
Automated forms-processing (e-forms) technology
Technology that allows users to electronically enter data into online digital forms and electronically extract data from online digital forms for data collection or manipulation
Barcoding technology
A method of encoding data that consists of parallel arrangements of dark elements, referred to as bars, and light elements, referred to as spaces, and interpreting the data for automatic identification and data collection purposes
Clinical decision support (CDS) systems
Interactive programs designed to assist clinicians in making patient care decision
Clinical workstation
The presentation of healthcare data and the launching of applications in the most effective way for healthcare providers
Clinician/physician web portal
The media for providing physician/clinician access to the provider organization’s multiple sources of data from any network-connected device
Cloud computing
The application of virtualization to a variety of computing resources to enable rapid access to computing services via the Internet; 2. Refers to servers that may be located anywhere in the world and that supply data and functionality via the Internet, rather than a local place that provides data and functionality via virtual private network (VPN) or even direct cabling to a healthcare organization
Computer-assisted coding
The process of extracting and translating dictated and then transcribed free-text data (or dictated and then computer-generated discrete data) into ICD-10-CM and CPT evaluation and management codes for billing and coding purposes
Computer output laser disk/ enterprise report management (COLD/ERM) technology
Technology that electronically stores documents and distributes them with fax, e-mail, web, and traditional hard-copy print processes
Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)
Electronic prescribing systems that allow physicians to write prescriptions and transmit them electronically. These systems usually contain error prevention software that provides the user with prompts that warn against the possibility of drug interaction, allergy, or overdose and other relevant information
Continuous speech input
Speech recognition software that does not require the user to pause between words to let the computer distinguish between the beginning and ending words
The art of keeping data secret through the use of mathematical or logical functions that transform intelligible data into seemingly unintelligible data and back again. 2. In information security, the study of encryption and decryption techniques
Data warehouse
A database that makes it possible to access data from multiple databases and combine the results into a single query and reporting interface
Diagnostic image data
Data such as a digital chest x-ray or a computed tomography (CT) scan
Digital signature management technology
Offers both signer and document authentication for analog or digital documents
Document imaging technology
The practice of electronically scanning written or printed paper documents into an optical or electronic system for later retrieval of the document or parts of the document if parts have been indexed
Document management technology
Automatically organizes, assembles, secures, and shares documents
The integration of all aspects of business-to business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) activities, processes, and communications, including electronic data interchange (EDI)
The application of e-commerce in the healthcare industry
Electronic data interchange (EDI)
A standard transmission format using strings of data for business information communicated among the computer systems of independent organizations
Electronic document/content management (ED/CM) system
Any electronic system that manages an organization’s analog and digital documents and content (that is, not just the data) to realize significant improvements in business work processes
Electronic health record (EHR)
An electronic record of health-related information on an individual that conforms to nationally recognized interoperability standards and that can be created, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff across more than one healthcare organization
Electronic medical record (EMR)
An electronic record of health-related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff across more than one healthcare organization
Electronic records management technology
Systems that capture data from print files and other report-formatted digital documents, such as e-mail, efax, instant messages, web pages, digital dictation, and speech recognition and stores them for subsequent viewing
The process of transforming text into an unintelligible string of characters that can be transmitted via communications media with a high degree of security and then decrypted when it reaches a secure destination
Enterprise master patient index (EMPI)
An index that provides access to multiple repositories of information from overlapping patient populations that are maintained in separate systems and databases
ERx (e-prescribing)
When a prescription is written from the personal digital assistant and an electronic fax or an actual electronic data interchange transaction is generated that transmits the prescription directly to the retail pharmacy’s information system
A system of connections of private Internet networks outside an organization’s firewall that uses Internet technology to enable collaborative applications among enterprises
A computer system or a combination of systems that provides a security barrier or supports an access control policy between two networks or between a network and any other traffic outside the network
Gesture recognition technology
Collectively, the recognition of constrained or unconstrained, handwritten, English language free text like intelligent character recognition technology or recognition of hand-marked characters like mark sense technology
Healthcare informatics
The field of information science concerned with the management of all aspects of health data and information through the application of computers and computer technologies
Information management
The generation, collection, organization, validation, analysis, storage, and integration of data as well as the dissemination, communication, presentation, utilization, transmission, and safeguarding of the information
Intelligent document recognition (IDR) technology
A form of technology that automatically recognizes analog items, such as tangible materials or documents, or recognizes characters or symbols from analog items, enabling the identified data to be quickly, accurately, and automatically entered into digital systems
The capability of different information systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data
A private information network that is similar to the Internet and whose servers are located inside a f irewall or security barrier so that the general public cannot gain access to information housed within the network
Master patient index (MPI)
A patient-identifying directory referencing all patients related to an organization and which also serves as a link to the patient record or information, facilitates patient identification, and assists in maintaining a longitudinal patient record from birth to death
Descriptive data that characterize other data to create a clearer understanding of their meaning and to achieve a greater reliability and quality of information. Metadata consists of both indexing terms and attributes. Data about data: for example, creation date, date sent, date received, last access date, last modification date
The combination of free-text, raster or vector graphics, sound, or motion video or frame data
Natural language processing (NLP) technology
A technology that converts human language (structured or unstructured) into data that can be translated then manipulated by computer systems; branch of artificial intelligence
Neural network
Nonlinear predictive models that, using a set of data that describe what a person wants to find, detect a pattern to match a particular profile through a training process involving interactive learning
Open-source technology
Software products with applications whose source (human-readable) code is freely available to anyone who is interested in downloading the code
Optical character recognition (OCR) technology
A method of encoding text from analog paper into bitmapped images and translating the images into a form that is computer readable
Patient/member web portals
Portal that allows patients to pay their bills online and to securely view all or portions of their provider-based, electronic health record, such as current medical conditions, medications, allergies, and test results
Physiological signal processing system
Systems that store data based on the body’s signals and create output based on the lines plotted between the signals’ points
Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS)
An integrated computer system that obtains, stores, retrieves, and displays digital images (in healthcare, radiological images)
Point-of-care information system
System that allows healthcare providers to capture and retrieve data and information at the location where the healthcare service is performed
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
A system of digital certificates and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in a secure transaction
Radio frequency identification (RFID)
An automatic recognition technology that uses a device attached to an object to transmit data to a receiver and does not require direct contact
As data is entered and processed by one server, data is simultaneously being entered and processed by a second server. The concept of building a backup computer system and that can replace it in the event of a primary system failure
Software as a Service (SaaS)
A subscription service to EHRs delivered over the cloud; it houses the servers and delivers data and functionality to the users via secure connection, but also provides the software
Source systems
A system in which data was originally created. 2. Independent information system application that contributes data to an HER, including departmental clinical applications (for example, laboratory information systems, clinical pharmacy information system) and specialty clinical applications (for example, intensive care, cardiology, labor and delivery)
Speech recognition technology
Technology that translates speech to text
Structured data
Data that are organized and easily retrievable and interpreted by traditional databases and data models; data that can be captured in a fixed field; data that are comprised of values that can be stored as either numbers or a finite number of categories
Professional services given to a patient through an interactive telecommunications system by a practitioner at a distant site
Text mining
The process of extracting and then quantifying and f iltering free-text data
Two-factor authentication
Security control for e-prescribing, namely a password and token
Unstructured data
Nonbinary, human-readable data
The overall ability of a user to capture and retrieve data efficiently and effectively; the efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction with which users achieve results from health information systems
Vector graphic data
Digital data that have been captured as points and are connected by lines (a series of point coordinates) or areas (shapes bounded by lines)
The emulation of one or more computers within a software platform that enables one physical computer to share resources across other computers
Web content management system
Systems in which information placed on a website can be labeled and tracked so that it can be easily located, modified, and reused
Web portal
A website entryway serving as a starting point to access, find, and deliver information an including a broad array of resources and services, such as e-mail, forums, and search engines
Web service
An open, standardized way of integrating disparate, web browser-based and other applications
Wireless systems
Systems that use wireless networks and wireless devices to access and transmit data in real time
Workflow technology
Technology that automatically routes electronic documents into electronic in-baskets of its department staff for disposition decisions