Chapter 23 Review Sheet Flashcards
Old Regime
Old social and political system of France
social class.
Estates General
Assembly of representatives from each of the 3 estates.
National Assembly
Third estate delegates
Tennis Court Oath
pledge made by the members of the National Assembly (3rd estate) in which they vowed to continue meeting until there was a new constitution
Great Fear
Senseless panic that spread through France after storming at Bastille.
Nobles who fled France; wanted to restore Old Regime
parisian workers who wanted change
National razor
Reign of Terror
period of rule under Robespierre
Coup d’Etat
A sudden seizure of power.
vote of the people.
government run public school
forcible closing of ports
Continental System
Napoleon’s policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and Continental Europe intended to destroy Great Britain’s economy
Spanish peasant fighters
Scorched-earth Policy
burning grain fields and slaughtering livestock so as to leave nothing for the enemy to eat
Balance of Power
where no one country would be a threat to others
hereditary right of a monarch to rule
Louis XVI
helped Americans during Revolution
Marie Antoinette
Wife of Louis XVI Madame Deficit
Jean Paul Marat
writings stirred up violent moods; newspaper writer
Maximillien Robespierre
Jacobin leader, “Reign of Terror”
Georges Danton
Jacobin lawyer; devoted to the rights of poor people
members of the radical political organization (Marat / Danton)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Greatest most important French General
Joseph Bonaparte
brother of Napoleon who became king of Spain
Alexander I
Russian Czar who refused to stop selling grain to Britain
Fredrick William III
King of Prussia; helped defeat Napoleon at Waterloo
Louis XVI’s brother; unpopular with peasants; suspected of wanting to undo the Revolution’s land reforms
Duke of Wellington
British military leader; defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
Klemens von Metternich
Foreign minister of Austria. (Concert of Europe)
Francis I
Emperor of Austria; signed the Holy Alliance with Prussia/Russia
Political Spectrum (beliefs, reactions to change)
Radical: Want change NOW with violence
Liberal: Work in system
Moderate: Down the middle
The Conservative: Likes things the way they are.
The Reactionary: Wants to retreat into the past
*Liberals want change; willing to work within the system
*Conservatives Don’t necessarily want change but willing to work
Financial crisis in France
*Heavy burden of taxes raises cost of living;
*Bad weather caused crop failures
*Debt from the American revolution
“Madame Deficit” - inherited debt from her father
The Estates System under the Old Regime
1st Estate - Clergy - paid no taxes- 10% of land
2nd Estate - Nobles -paid no taxes- 20% of land
2% of population
3rd Estate - Bourgeoisie (middle class)
-bankers -factory owners
-merchants -professionals
- Workers (poorest group)
- Peasants (Largest group)
-80% of population
-paid 1/2 their income in taxes/tithes
Role of Enlightenment in the background of the French Revolution.
- Began to demand equality / liberty / democracy
* Questioned long standing notions about structure of society
Calling of the Estates General, voting controversies, and forming of the National Assembly
- each estate had ONE vote even though 3rd estate represented 97% of the people.
- National assembly: 3rd Estates delegates>demand for a new constitution
Storming the Bastille & Great Fear as radical events
Both Radical
- Storming of the Bastille: senseless panic; peasants with pitchforks and farm tools broke into nobles’ homes and destroyed legal papers that bound them to papy feudal dues.
- Great Fear: mob searching for gunpowder; killed many guards.
The Reign of Terror and the Jacobins
Reign of terror:
*Robespierre = goal was to eliminate all opposition to the revolution
*Committee of Public safety = formed to put any possible conspirators on trial
1. peasants horrified by King’s execution
2. priests who would not accept government control
3. rival leaders who were stirring up rebellion in the provinces
End of terror: death of Robespierre
Changes in French society during the Reign of Terror
Calendar = (3) ten day weeks no sundays (seen as religious) Catholic Church = closed all churches throughout France Committee on Public safety = started trials / executions Constitution = places limits on King's power
Execution of Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette
- see changes as radical; try to flee to Austria; caught and brought back to Paris (seen as traitors)
- executed
Napoleon’s rise to power and coup d’etat
- defeats royalist rebels attacking National Convention
- wins in Italy
- coup d’etat = seizure of power from the Directory
- defeats British, Russians, Austrians
5 Great Power of Congress of Vienna
- Russia, Austria, Britain, Prussia, France
- guided the decisions
- series of meetings where European leaders establish long - lasting peace and security
Napoleon’s reforms of French Society and the Napoleonic Code
- National banking system
- Lycees- government run public schools to train officials
- signs CONCORDAT - agreement w/pope restoring catholicism in France
- plebiscite - vote of the people
- Napoleonic Code = uniform system of laws
Napoleon’s major mistakes
- entering Russia during cold weather
- Battle of Trafalgar = Britain defeats and establishes itself as a power again
- France back to monarchy
- waterloo
- continental system
- sending troops through Spain
Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon’s exile
- Britain, Prussia, Sweden, Russia, Austria join forces against Napoleon = defeated
- surrenders and is exiled to Elba
- Louis XVIII is overthrown and Napoleon returns from exile
- beat at waterloo
- Exiled to St. Helena
Major alliance groups formed at the Congress of Vienna
- Holy alliance + Russia, Prussia, Austria (combat revolution)
- Concert of Europe = series of alliances led by Metterck
- ensure that nations would help one another if any revolution broke out
Long term effects of the Congress of Vienna on Europe
- diminished power /size of France
- power of Britain and Prussia increased
- nationalism spread –> explode into revolutions –> new nations formed
- people saw democracy as the best way to ensure equality and justice for all
Duties privileges and members of each estate
1st Estate: Clergy - owned 10% of the land - exempt from taxes
2nd Estate: Nobles - 2% of the population - owned 20% of the land
3rd Estate: ~Bourgeois (middle class) - bankers, factory owners, merchants, professionals
~Workers (poorest group) - laborers
~Peasants (largest group) - 80% of the population - paid half of their income in taxes