Chapter 21 Flashcards
Congress of vienna
A meaning of quadruple alliance Russia Prussia Austria and great Britain and restoration France and smaller European states to fashion a general peace settlement that began after the feed of Napoleon’s France in 1814
Holy alliance
in alliance formed by the conservative rulers of Austria Prussia and Russia in September 1815 that became a symbol of the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements all over Europe
Karlsbad Decrees
it shouldn’t 1819 these degrees were designed to uphold modern itches conservatism requiring the German states to root out subversive ideas and squelch any liberal organizations
The principal ideas of this movement were equality and liberty liberals demanded it representative government inequality before the law as well as individual freedoms such as freedom of the press freedom of speech freedom of assembly freedom of worship and freedom from arbitrary arrest
Laissez faire
a doctrine of economic liberalism that calls for unrestricted private enterprise and no government interference in the economy
The idea that each people had its own genius and specific identity that manifested itself especially in a common language in history and often led to the desire for an independent political state.
a backlash I can see emergence of individualism and the fragmentation of industrial society in a move towards cooperation and a sense of community the key ideas were economic planning greater social equality and state regulation of property
an influential political program based on the socialist idea of German radical Karl Marx which called for a working class revolution to overthrow capitalist society and establish a communist state
The middle class minority who owned the means of production and according to Marx exploited the working class proletariat
The industrial working class to according to Mark’s were unfairly exploited by the prophet seeking bourgeoisie
An artistic movement at its height from about 1790 to the 1840s that was in part a revolt against classicism and the enlightenment characterized by a belief in emotional exuberance unrestrained imagination and spontaneity in both art and personal life
Corn laws
British laws governing the import and export of grain which were revised in 1815 to prohibit the importation of foreign grain unless the price at home rose to improbable levels thus benefiting the aristocracy but making food prices high for working people
Battle of peterloo
The army’s violent suppression of a protest that took place at St Peter’s fields in Manchester and reaction to the revision of the corn laws
Reform bill of 1832
A major British political reform that increased the number of mail voters by about 50% and gave political representation to new industrial areas
Great famine
there was all a 4 years of potato crop failure in the late 1840s in Ireland a country that had grown dependent on potatoes as a dietary staple
Greater Germany
a liberal plan for German national unification that included the German speaking parts of the Austria empire put forth at the national Parliament in 1848 but rejected by Austrian rulers