28 Flashcards
Cold war
That I worry between the Soviet Union and the United States that divided much of Europe into a Soviet aligned communist block and a US aligned capitalist block between 1945 and 1989
Displaced persons
Post war refugees including 13 million Germans, former Nazi prisoners and forced laborers, and orphaned children
Truman doctrine
America’s policy gear to containing communism to those countries already under Soviet control
Marshall plan
American plan for providing economic aid to Western Europe to help it rebuild
Council for mutual economic assistance
An economic organization of communist states meant to help rebuild east block countries under Soviet auspices
The North Atlantic treaty organization, and anti-Soviet military alliance of Western governments
Warsaw pact
Soviet backed military alliance of East block communist countries in Europe
Economic miracle
Term contemporaries used to describe rapid economic growth often based on the consumer sector, in post-World war II Western Europe
Christian Democrats
Center right political parties that rose to power in Western Europe after the second world war
Common market
The European economic community created by six western and central European countries in the west block in 1957 as part of a larger search for European unity
Socialist realism
I just did moving that followed the dictates of communist ideals, enforced by state control in the Soviet Union and East block countries in the 1950s and 1960s
The liberalization of the postal and Soviet Union led by reformer Nikita Khrushchev
The post-war reversal of Europe’s overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of the colonized peoples themselves, the declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by US and Soviet ideals
Policy of post-colonial governments to remain neutral in the Cold war and play both the United States and the Soviet Union for what they could get
A post colonial system that perpetuates Western economic exploitation in former colonial territories
Guest worker programs
Governments run programs in Western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy
Post colonial migration
The post-war movement of people from former colonies and did the developing world into Europe