Chapter 2- understanding and applying theories of career development Flashcards
who are 2 thinkers of the developmental career theory
what is a developmental career theory
highlights how career behavior changes across developmental stages.
what is person-environment theory
using occupational and self-awareness to make a decision about one’s career.
describe SUPER’s theory of career counseling
career development takes into account one’s personal (needs, values, skills) and situational (peers, groups, labor market) that looks at the many roles a person takes on in their life and uses these roles to clarify someone’s self-concept.
what aspect of life does ROE’s theory look into
Roe’s theory points to the importance of early life experiences in career development
What does GOTTFREDSON’s theory address regarding gender
Gottfredson’s theory addresses how sex-role stereotyping and social class influence the career aspirations of both men and women. This also takes into account the compromises people make to satisfy their aspirations.
what does HOLLAND’S work help us predict
individual behavior (job satisfaction, job performance, and occupational stability) within work environments
what happens when a person lacks support in their career life
when people lack support and/or are misinformed, they often disregard good options because they lack confidence or adhere to beliefs that keep them stuck
who are the theorists for work adjustment?
René Dawis
Lloyd Lofquist
what is the orientation for work adjustment theory
Career choice/
what are the key constructs of the work adjustment theory
Satisfaction Satisfactoriness Person-in-an-environment Correspondence
What theory is founded by Super, is developmental, follows a person across their lifespan across their career by involving their self-concept and adapting their career which has a high amount of research and moderate multicultral consideration?
life span/life space
what theory was made by GOTTFREDSON, is developmentally/sociologically oriented towards career choice, that talks about circumscription compromise, has low research but high multicultulral consideration
What theory was founded by ANNE ROE, focuses on personality theory and psychodynamic work, and looks into early childhood experienes relating to the hierarchy of needs, has low research and low multicultural consideration
Theory of Career
what theory is founded by HOLLAND, and involves the person-environment as a point of creating choice, which addresses things like congruence, consistency, differentiation, and identity. This theory has high research but low multicultural consideration
and Work
what theory was founded by KRUMBOLTZ and involved social learning for career choice and development, with a focus on social learning, obdservations, self-awareness, world view, task approach skills and planned happenstance. this theory has a low research background and medium multicultural consideration
learning theory of career counseling
what theory was founded by Robert Lent,
Steven Brown,
Gail Hackett, oriented towards Social cognitive
career choice
development, and focused on Self-efficacy, Outcome expectations, Personal goals, Triadic reciprocal model with high research backing and high multicultural consideration
Social Cognitive
Career Theory
what theory was founded by Mark Savickas and oriented towards differential development and dynamic views with a focus on vocation, personality, life themes, adaptability, and career style interviews. This theory has moderate research backing and high multicultural consideration
what theory was founded by Vance Peavey Larry Cochran, oriented towards constructivist narratives, and focused on meaning making, career issues, life history, and a future narrative. This theory has low research backing but high multicultural consideration
what theory was founded by L. Sunny
Hansen, oriented towards contextual career choice and adjustment, and focused on social justice, connection’s, diversity, spirituality, integrated life planning inventories. This theory has low research backing, but high multicultural consideration
Integrative Life
what theory was founded by Robert Pryor
and Jim Bright, oriented towards self-organization and change and phenomenology, and focused on attractors, patterns, and fractals. This theory has moderate research backing and high multicultural consideration.
Chaos Theory of
what are the 4 reasons SUPER disagreed with the theories of GINZBERG
(a) did not take into account research related to the role of interests in career decision making, (b) failed to operationally describe choice, (c) made a sharp distinction between choice and adjustment, and (d) lacked a clear articulation of the process of compromise as it relates to career choice
How did SUPER label his theory as regarding its orientation
differential-developmental-social-phenomenological career theory
what are the 3 parts (segments) of the SUPER theory
(a) life span, (b) life space, and (c) self-concept.