Chapter 2: Tools of a Healthy Diet Flashcards
5 DRIs:
Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) = represent average nutrient need
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) = evaluate current intake for specific nutrient
Adequate Intake (AI) = evaluate intake for a specific need, requires further research
Upper Level (UL) = highest amount of intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects in the long run
Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) = estimate energy needs according to age, weight, sex, etc…
Nutrient density assesses ___________________ of an individual food. Something is nutrient
dense if provides ________ contribution to nutrient need rather than calorie need.
nutritional content, more
Empty calorie food/energy dense foods are low in ____________ and is high in _________.
nutrients, sugar/fat
What 4 groups is the Food Label set for?
infants, toddlers, pregnant/lactating, people over 4 years
What two sets of dietary standards are the DVs based off? What are these two standards
set for?
RDAs & DRVs, the 4 groups
Food labels must comply with regulations set by the ________.
Describe features of the DGAs? Who is it published by? What is it designed to do?
knowledge about a healthy diet, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle choices. its designed to meet nutrient needs while reducing the risk of disease. its published by the US foundation for nutrient policy & education
Describe the goal of My Plate? What should A My Plate look like?
translate science into a practical tool for consumers, emphasizes health food, food to increase, & balancing calories