Chapter 2: Illness and Health Care Flashcards
A state of compete physical, mental, and social well-being.
The study of the distribution of disease within a population.
A scientist who studies the social origins and distraction of health problems in a population and how patterns of illness and disease vary between and within societies.
Disease, impairment, and accidents present in a population.
Acute Condition
A health condition that lasts no longer than three months.
Chronic Condition
A long-term health problem.
The number of new cases of a specific health problem in a given population during a specified period.
The total number of cases of a condition in a population that exist at a given time.
Epidemiological Transition
The shift from a society characterized by low life expectancy and parasitic and infectious diseases to one characterized by high life expectancy and chronic and degenerative diseases.
Life Expectancy
The average number of years that a person born in a given year can expect to live.
What causes the most deaths annually?
Heart disease.
What is the number 1 killer of Canadians aged 15-19?
Unintentional injuries (accidents).
Under-Five Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths among children under age five.
Income inequality means that even those in developed countries can show discrepancy in…
Under-five mortality rates.
Maternal Mortality Rate
The numbers of deaths that result from complications associated with pregnancy or childbirth per 1000 pregnant women.
What is a sensitive indicator to how social health is affected by the gap between the rich and the poor?
Maternal mortality rate.
Burden of Disease
The number of deaths in a population combined with the impact of premature death and disability in that population.
Disability-Adjusted Life Year. Years lived with illness or disability. More simply, one DALY equals one year lost of healthy life.
Perinatal Transmission
The transmission of infection from a mother to a fetus or newborn.
Who is most likely to get HIV in Canada?
Men who have sex with men.
Who is most likely to get HIV globally?
An umbrella term that describes both socio-political activism and academic work. United by a concern for the well-being of women. Seek recognition that women are full human beings entitled to the same personal rights as men. Demonstrated that gender is an important variable to be accounted for in research programs and the well-being of women is integral to the general welfare of larger society.
Mental Health
The successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity.
Mental Illness
A term used to refer collectively to all mental disorders.
Mental Disorder
A behavioural or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability, or with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or loss of freedom.
Which mental disorders affect which gender?
Men are more likely to face addiction, women are more likely to face mood and anxiety disorders.
The economic, political, and social interconnectedness among societies throughout the world.
Socio-Economic Status (SES)
Status that refers to the combination of economic and social circumstances that shape one’s experiences as a member of a given class. SES addresses the likelihood that higher income and a higher place in the social hierarchy are likely to coincide, and that lower status and lower income are also likely to coincide, with attendant privileges for higher-SES groups and attendant risks for lower ones.
The tendency to define negatively evaluated behaviours or conditions as medical problems in need of medical intervention.
Refers to any personal characteristic associated with social disgrace, rejection, or discrediting.
Critical Race Theory
Both “race” and “ethnicity” are socially constructed ways of conceiving people according to a hierarchized and segregated set of assumptions.
Social Determinants of Health
Social factors that affect health and illness such as social class and poverty, education, race, and gender.
Environmental Racism
The tendency for hazardous waste sites and polluting industries to be located in areas where the surrounding racial population is an ethnic or racial minority.
Using information and communication technologies to deliver a wide range of health screeches, including diagnosis, treatment, prevention, health support and information, and education of health-care workers.