Chapter 2 : History Flashcards
What are the grand theroies of emotion?
Will theroy Decartes, instinct theory Darwin and william James, drive theory Freud and Hull, incentive theory, arousal theory, mini theory
What mini theory are mentioned in the text ?
Active nature of the person, cognitive revolution and socially relevant questions
What best reflects motivational science in 1700s
Motivation arises from passions of body and reason of the mind
Plato’s portrayl of how the mind generated emotion was similar to Sigmund Freud’s, why ?
Sigmund Freud’s Id ego and superego similar to platos appetitive , calculated and competitive
The first grand theory of emotion was.
The will
The tripartite mins was reduced to dualism which only explored
Mind ( reason ) and body ( mechanics of biology, appetites ) . No reference to the competitive or super ego
The will failed as a grand theroy as
It proved to be as mysterious as and difficult to explain as the motivation it generated
Instinct failed as a theroy cause
It was circular reasoning ; I kill others cause I have an instinct to kill. Why do I have an instinct ? Cause I kill.
The order of the grand theroies / philosophies
Tripartate- dualisim- will - instinct - drive - incentive theroy - arousal - mini theroies ( social, animation and cognitive revolution )
Drive theory fundamentals
Drive emerged from disturbance of body needs ( hull build up of net effects, Freud build up in nervous system ) drive has energizing effect on behavior, drive reductions reinforcing and produced learning ( hull)
Drive theroies large benefit was
Motivation could be predicted from antecedents
Hills drive theroy is summed as
Drive, cue, response, reward
Important event that occured in the 1960s
Motivation researchers rejected grand theory in favour of multiple mini theroy
Hills drive theroy equation meaning
E= H xDx K
E is strength of behavior
H is habit strength
D is internal drive
K is external incentive
Freuds drive theroy flow
Sousource source impetus object aim
Import of cognitive revolution on motivational science
Ideological shift away from studying animals, biological and motivational constructs
Focus on applied social research led to
Focus on naturally occuring instances of motivation outside research library
Evolution of paradigms
Paradigmatic - pre paradigmatic - crisis and revolution - new paradigm
Motivational science is in a new paradigm because —– , and we can conclude
A number of specific ideas and approaches are advocated and the forces that drive motivation and equally important to those that energize it
For decartes an emotion was
An uproar in a string body reaction
In the history of emotion study of expression was important as it showed
Emotions were cross culturally relevant and genetically based
Names to theroy ; tripartate- dualisim-will- instinct -drive- incentive - arousal - mini theroies ( activated human , social application, cognitive )
Plato( Aristotle) - decartes and Greeks - decartes -biological determinism darwin- Freud and hull -
Reasons we moved to mini theroies
Three historical trends explain this transition. First, motivation study rejected its commitment to a passive view of human nature and adopted a more active portrayal of human beings. Second, motivation turned decidedly cognitive and somewhat humanistic. Third, the field focused on applied, socially relevant problems.
Humanistic movements
Maslow, Rogers, existensialist.and gestalt 1960’s