Chapter 2: Cell Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, Death Flashcards
study of structural, biochemical, functional changes in cells, tissues, organs that underlie disease
any deviation/interruption of the normal structure of a part, organ, system of the body as manifested by characteristic symptoms and signs
a derangement or abnormality of function; a morbid physical or mental state
any new and abnormal growth, specifically new growth of tissue in which the growth is uncontrolled and progressive
4 aspects of the disease process
- etiology- cause; genetic or acquired
- pathogenesis- biochemical and molecular mechanisms of disease
- morphologic changes: structural alterations induced in cells and organs; used to follow disease progression
- clinical manifestations: functional consequences of the changes
reversible functional and structural responses to change in physiologic states/pathologic stimuli, during which new but altered steady states are achieved, allowing the cell to survive and continue to function
adaptation involving increase in cell size
adaptation involving increase in cell number
adaptation involving decrease in cell size, number, and metabolic activity
Decreased nutrients, decreased stimulation
adaptation involving change in phenotype of cells
due to chronic irritation
A set of symptoms that occur together; a symptom complex; the sum of signs of any morbid state
Cell injury
due to reduced O2 supply, chemical injury, microbial infection
Cellular aging
cumulative sublethal injury over long life span
Transitioning myocardial cells show what?
adaptation–>cell injury–>cell death
Triphenyltetrazolium colors myocardium magenta to see this
adapted: hypertrophy due to increased BP because of the mechanical effort needed
reversibly injured: no gross/microscopic changes, but cellular swelling and fat accumulation
What is the most common stimulus for skeletal muscle hypertrophy?
increased work load
What is the most common stimulus for hypertrophy in cardiac muscle?
increased hemodynamic load from HTN or faulty valves
Cardiac hypertrophy causes release of what?
TGF-beta, IGF1, FGF, vasoactive factors (alpha-adrenergic agonists, endothelin 1, and angiotensin II)
What pathways are activated when cardiac hypertrophy occurs?
PI3K/AKT (important in exercise hypertrophy) and G proteins (important in pathologic hypertrophy)
Next step after the activation of the 2 pathways
TF’s are activated (GATA4, NFAT, and MEF2) which work to increase the synthesis of more proteins–>hypertrophy
What happens when the genes for the heart are switched back to the fetal form?
myosin heavy chain reverts to the B form instead of the A isoform–>slower contraction, conserves energy
Cardiac hypertrophy also causes increased ANP release…why?
usually only seen in embryological heart
ANP is increased because it causes Na+ secretion from the kidney–>decreases blood volume and pressure–>reduces hemodynamic load
Eventual conclusion of heart hypertrophy
myocardial fibers undergo lysis and loss of contractile elements–>myocyte death can occur
To prevent this, inhibitors of NFAT, GATA4, and MEF2 are given
Hormonal hyperplasia
female breast (glandular epithelial cells) during puberty or pregnancy
Compensatory hyperplasia
occurs when a lobe of a liver is donated and the remaineder of the liver grows back to compensate for the loss
intrahepatic stem cells regenerate during hepatitis
Bone marrow after blood loss/hemolysis
What causes pathologic hyperplasia?
excessive amounts or inappropriate actions of hromones/ GFs acting on target cells
Endometrial hyperplasia
the balance between estrogen and progesterone is disturbed and the relative or absolute amount of estrogen is increased that causes hyperplasia of the endometrial glands
leads to abnormal menstrual bleeding
at risk for developing endometrial cancer
What causes benign prostatic hyperplasia
increased stimulation by androgens
Can viruses cause hyperplasia?
When is cell death seen during atrophy?
Not in the beginning
seen in tissues where there is loss of endocrine or factors or blood supply
Physiological atrophy
thryoglossal duct
uterus after parturition
Causes of pathological atrophy
decreased workload (atrophy of disuse): initially reversible, but if prolonged–>apoptosis
Loss of innervation (denervation atrophy)
Diminished blood supply: ischemia–>atrophy
Inadequate nutrition
Loss of endocrine stimulation
Senile atrophy
atherosclerosis of blood vessles leading to the brain or heart–>atrophy of brain/heart
Inadequate nutrition leading to atrophy
profound protein-calorie malnutrition (marasmus)
results in cachexia that is often from pts with cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases
What causes wasting of the muscle tissue in cancer?
TNF: suppresses appetitie and lipid depletion
Loss of endocrine stimulation causing atrophy
loss of hormones to hormone sensitive tissues like the breat, uterus, and vagina–>atrophy
Pressure causing atrophy
tissue compression
can compress surrounding uninvolved tissues
Tumor pressing on the rest of the brain causes atrophy due to a loss of blood supply to the affected area
Mechanisms of atrophy
decreased protein synthesis and increased protein degradation
synthesis decreases due to a lowered metabolic activity
How does degradation of cellular proteins mainly occur?
ubiquitin pathway
caused by nutrition deficiency and disuse
mostly seen in cachexia
What is atrophy commonly associated with?
increased autophagy
marked by increased amounts of autophagic vacuoles
when starved cells eats its own components in attempt to reduce nutrient damage to match the supply
indigestible that remains as a membrane bound residual body
give tissue a brown appearance–>brown atrophy
a REVERSIBLE change in which one differentiated cell type is replaced by another
What is the point of metaplasia?
New cell type can cope better to stress than the original one
Vitamin A deficiency
epithelium changes from columnar to stratified squamous
glandular cancer
can come from long-term Barrett’s esophagus
Connective tissue metaplasia
The creation of cartilage, bone, or adipose tissue in tissues that do not normally contain these elements
Myositis ossificans
occurs after intramuscular hemorrhage in which there is bone creation inside the muscle
seen as an adaptive response to cell tissue/injury
Mechanism of metaplasia
the phenotype of the already differentiated stem cell does not change, instead it is the reprogramming of what the stem cell produces
What is metaplasia the result of?
stimulation from cytokines, growth factors, and ECM signals–>drive cells toward a specific differentiation pathway
How does Vit A deficiency cause metaplasia?
it is a transcription factor that needs to bind to the nuclear retinoid receptor to influence the differentiation of tissues
Reversible cell injury
occurs in the early stages or mild forms of cell injury
reversible if damage stimulus is removed
Examples of reversible cell injury
reduced oxidative phosphorylation and lower ATP
cell swelling from water influx
organelles may show alterations
Cell death
continuing damage until cell cannot recover and the cell dies
the point of no return is different for all cells: heart and CNS are very sensitive
2 types of cell death
due to loss of cell membranes and loss of ion homeostasis
always pathologic
lead to inflammation
when DNA is damaged beyond repair
pathologic or physiologic
nuclear dissolution, fragmentation of cell (without the loss of membrane integrity), rapid removal of cell debria
NO INFLAMMATION because contents do not leak
Causes of cell injury
O2 deprivation chemical agents and drugs physical agents infectious agents immunological reactions genetic derangements nutritional imbalances-excess and deficiencies
First thing that happens in cell injury
at the molecular/biochemical level and then progress to be able to be seen at the structural level
gross morphology changes before cell death
Reversible morphological changes in cell injury
cell swelling
blebbing of cell membrane
detachment of ribosomes from ER
clumping of nuclear chromatin
Hydropic change
aka vacuolar degeneration
small clear vacuoles seen in the cytoplasm under the microscope from pieces of the ER that have been pinched off and released
Fatty changes
reversible injury
occurs in hypoxic, toxic, and metabolic injury
manifested by appearance of lipid vacuoles in cytoplasm
seen in cells dependent on fat metabolism-hepatocytes, myocardial cells
Plasma membrane alterations in reversible injury
blebbing, blunting, and loss of microvilli
Mitochondrial changes in reversible injury
swelling and the appearance of small amorphous densities
Dilation of the ER in reversible injury
detachment of polysomes, intracytoplasmic myelin figures may be present
nuclear alterations in reversible injury
disaggregation of granular and fibrillar elements
result of denaturation of the cell’s proteins and enzymatic digestion of the lethally injured cell
Why does necrosis lead to inflammation?
Contents leak out of leaky membranes due to lysosomes of the dying cell and lysosomes of the leukocytes involved in the inflammation
When can necrosis be noticed?
Takes a few hours to see histologically, but can see markers in the blood within a coupld of hours due to loss of plasma membrane integrity
Morphology of necrosis
shows increased eosinophilia due to loss of RNA and denatured proteins
Glassy appearance- loss of glycogen
cytoplasm appears vacuolated and moth-eaten when the organelles are digested
Myelin figures
replace dead cells
large, whorled phospholipid masses that come from damaged cell membranes
eventually eaten by other cells and broken down into fatty acidsy, which can be calcified into calcium soaps
What does necrosis show under EM?
discontinuities in the plasma and organelle membranes
dilation of mitochondria with large amorphous densities
intracytoplasmic myelin figures
aggregates of fluffy material (denatured proteins)
basophilia of chromatin can fade from the loss of DNA due to endonucleases
nuclear fading
chromatin dissolution due to action of DNAses and RNAses
nuclear shrinkage and increased basophilia from the chromatin condensing into a solid basophilic mass
also seen in apoptosis
nuclear shrinkage
pyknotic nucleus fragments and then within a day or two the cell disappears
nuclear fragmentation
Coagulative necrosis
almost always related to blood flow abnormality
tissue has a firm texture
eosinophilic anucleate cells
proteins denature with the enzymes that would have cleaned them up, so they remain around for awhile
What causes coagulative necrosis?
obstruction of a blood vessel that leads to necrosis
localized area of coagulative necrosis
Liquefactive necrosis
characterized by digestion of the dead cells that turns the dead tissue into a liquid viscous mass
Brain tissue
What tissue cannot undergo coagulative necrosis?
What causes liquefactive necrosis?
bacterial or fungal infections since they stimulate lots of leukocytes to come to the area and digest everything
Appearance of liquefactive necrosis
creamy yellow because of dead leukocytes–>pus
Hypoxic death of CNS cells cause what kind of necrosis?
What tissue does liquefactive necrosis normally occur in?
Gangrenous necrosis
not a specific pattern, but a common term used in clinical practice
What part of the body normally gets gangrenous necrosis?
lower limbs
Wet gangrene
bacterial infection superimposed on it and there is some liquefactive necrosis present also
Caseous necrosis
often from TB infections
Cottage cheese-like (white)
Intracelllar accumulation
Accumulation of abnormal amounts of harmless/harmful substances in cytoplasm, organelles, nucleus
4 main pathways of intracellular accumulation
Inadequate removal of a normal substance due to defects in packaging and transport—>fatty changes (steatosis) in the liver
Accumulation of an abnormal endogenous substance as a result of genetic or acquired defects in folding, packaging, transport, or secretion—>mutated forms of alpha1- antitrypsin
Failure to degrade a metabolite due to inherited enzyme deficiencies—>results in storage diseases, progressive and fatal to tissue and pts
Deposition and accumulation of abnormal exogenous substances when the cell is not able to digest or move it—>accumulation of Carbon or silica particles
Why do lipids accumulate intracellularly?
From an abnormal metabolism
What lipids accumulate intracellularly?
TAGs, cholesterol, phospholipids
Phospholipids in myelin figures
Occurs in lysosomal storage disease
Fatty change
Abnormal accumulation of TAGs within parenchymal cells
Often seen in the liver since it does a lot with fat metabolism but also occurs in the heart, kidney, and muscle tissue
What causes steatosis?
Toxins, protein malnutrition, DM, obesity, anoxia
Steatosis histologically
The well preserved nyc is squeezed into the displaced rim of cytoplasm about the fat vacuole
Cholesterol and cholesterol esters
Cells use cholesterol for membrane synthesis, but not accumulation
Smooth muscle cells and macrophages within the intima layer of IgA’s fill with lipid vacuoles containing cholesterol and cholesterol esters—>foam cells
Foam cells
IgA’s that have their cells in the intima layer filled with lipid vacuoles containing cholesterol and cholesterol esters
Appear yellow and foamy
May rupture—>lipids into extracellular space—>crystallize
Clusters of foam cells (often macrophages) that accumulate in the subepitheliela CT of the skin and in tendons that form tumors
Accumulation of foam cell macrophages in the lamina propria of the gallbladder
Neumann-Pick disease type C
Lysosomal storage disease that affects an enzyme that moves cholesterol around
Results in cholesterol accumulation in lots of organs
Why do proteins accumulate intracellularly?
Defect in protein folding/transport
Morphology of protein accumulation
Intracellular accumulation appear as rounded, eosinophilic droplets, vacuoles, or aggregates in the cytoplasm
By EM, they are amorphous, fibrillar, or crystalline
Causes of protein accumulation
Reabsorption droplets in proximal renal tubules
Russell bodies
Defective intracellular transport and secretion of critical proteins
Accumulation of cytoskeleton proteins
Aggregation of abnormal proteins
Reabsorption droplets in proximal renal tubules
Seen in renal diseases that have proteinuria
If the glomerulus lets many proteins into the filtrate, it reabsorbed via Pinocchio’s is in PT into vesicles—>protein appears as pink hyaline droplets within the cytoplasm of PT cells
Reversible if the proteinuria diminishes and the droplets are allowed to be metabolized
Russell Bodies
In cells that are producing lots of cells very quickly, like in synthesis of Igs in plasma cells, the ER becomes very distended and produces large, homogenous eosinophilic inclusions
Defective intracellular transport and secretion of critical proteins
In alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, mutations in the protein—>slow folding—>building of partially folded intermediates in cell and not secreted
The pathology comes from both the lack of the protein (that causes emphysema) and from apoptosis due to ER stress
Accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins
Accumulation of keratin filaments and neurofilaments are associated with cell injury
Alcoholic hyaline
In Alzheimer’s, the neurofibromas tangle found in the brain contains neurofilaments and other proteins
Alcoholic hyaline
An eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion in liver cells that is commonly seen in alcoholic liver disease
Accumulation of keratin intermediate filaments in the cells
Aggregation of abnormal proteins
Abnormal or misfolded proteins may deposit intracellularly, extracellularly, or both
Cause direct or indirect effects
Certain forms of amyloidosis fall into this category
Called proteinopathies or protein-aggregation diseases
Hyaline change
A change that occurs within or outside of cells that makes it look homogenous, glassy, and pink when stained with H/E
Describes a variety of alterations, not a specific pathway of cell injury
Russel bodies, alcoholic hyaline, reabsorption droplets
Extracellular hyaline change
Occurs in DM and chronic HTN
Walls of the arterioles (esp. in the kidney) become hyalinized due to extravasated plasma protein and deposition of basement membrane material
Glycogen intracellular accumulation
Seen in pts with glucose or glycogen metabolism defects, collectively called glycogen storage diseases or glycogenosis
Appear as clear vacuoles within the cytoplasm
Appears best in tissues fixed in absolute alcohol
Staining with best carmine or the PAS reaction makes it look more rose/violet
Glycogen accumulation and DM
Glycogen is found in the renal tubular epithelial cells, liver, Beta cels of islets of Langerhans, and heart muscle cells
Exogenous pigments
Most common is carbon from pollution in urban areas
Breathed in, picked up by macrophages and taken to regional lymph n odes in the tracheobronchial region
Blackens the lungs (anthracosis) and involved LNs
Can also be caused from carbon dust most often seen in CoA miners—>causes fibroblastic emphysema that is now as coal workers pneumoconiosis
Pigments enter the skin and are phagocytized by dermal macrophages where they live for the rest of the individual’s life
Endogenous pigments
Homogentisic acid
Hemosiderin granules
Lips broke or wear and tear pigment
Insoluble pigment
Composed of polymers of lipids and phospholipids complexed with protein
Comes from lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids of subcellular membranes
Not inherently dangerous to cells, but useful in finding cells with ROS damage
How does lipofuscin appear?
As a yellow-brown, finely granular cytoplasmic and perinuclear pigment
What cells is lipofuscin found?
Cells undergoing slow/regressive changes and is found most often in the liver and heart of aging pts, severe malnutrition, and cancer cachexia
What is the pigment of aging?
Cells undergone repeated damage