Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is perception?
To organize or interpret the meaning. Based on perception of reality - not reality itself
What are the three factors that affect perception?
The three factors that affect perception are: the PERCEIVER the TARGET and the SITUATION.
What is the perceiver?
The perceiver is the attitudes motives and past experience.
What is the target?
The target is what we see: people motion sounds and size
What is the situation?
The situation is: context timing work or social setting.
What is the attribution theory?
Ask yourself this question: is behaviour INTERNALLY or EXTERNALLY caused?
What is a fundamental attribution error?
FAE is when you underestimate external and overestimate internal when judging people.
What is a self-serving bias?
self-serving biased people attribute success to internal factors and blames failures on external factors
What are the three rules about behavior?
What is distinctiveness?
Distinctive this is when we ask whether the individual does the same thing in other situations
What is consensus?
Consensus is when we ask whether anyone in a similar situation would act the same way.
What is consistency?
Consistency is when we ask whether the individual has been acting the same way over a long period of time.
What is selective perception?
Selective perception is when we interpret based on interests background attitude and experience. It is usually based on your own experience. Example when Jerry thought that everybody had a grey honda because she did.
What is the halo effect?
The halo effect is we when we make a judgement about a person based on one characteristic
What is the contrast effect?
The contrast effect is when we evaluate a person by comparing that person to others recently encountered.
What is projection?
Projection is when you attribute your characteristics to others.
What is stereotyping?
Sarah typing is when we judge someone on the basis of the group to which that person belongs.
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
The self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person will behave in ways consistent with how she or he is perceived by others.
What is the big five model?
The big five model is based on research that supports five personality dimensions.
These five personality dimensions include extroversion/introversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience.
What is emotional stability?
Emotional stability is your ability to withstand stress, calm, secure versus tense, insecurity.
What is conscientiousness?
Conscientiousness is responsibility, it is a high predictor of job performance
What is a course self evaluation?
How much you like yourself and how much you see yourself as capable and effective. Do you feel in control of your environment or powerless over it?
What is Machiavellianism (Mach)?
Doing whatever it takes to get ahead. The end justifies the means.
What is narcissism?
Self-importance or entitled feelings.
What is self-monitoring?
Self-monitoring is your ability to adjust/adapt to a situation.
What is a type A personality?
Time urgency, achieve more in less time.
What is a type B personality?
Not focused on time urgency too much, doesn’t feel guilty about time.
What is a proactive personality?
In proactive personality identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes action and preserves until change occurs.
What is emotional intelligence (EI)?
Emotional intelligence is self-awareness, self management, self motivation, empathy, and social skills.
What is emotional dissonance?
Emotional dissonance is inconsistencies between the emotions of people feel and the emotions that they show.
What is the effective events very (AET)?
The fact that employees react emotionally to things that happen at their work. This emotional reaction influences their job performance and job satisfaction.