Chapter 17 - Special Senses Flashcards
The sense of smell
Olfactory Epithelium
Epithelial cells found in the roof of the nasal cavity
3 Cell Types Found in Olfactory Epithelium
- Supporting (Sustentacular) Cells
- Basal (Stem) Cells
- Olfactory Receptors
Supporting (Sustantecular) Cells
Provide support, insulation, nourishment, and detoxification to the olfactory epithelium
Basal (Stem) Cells
Layer that constantly divides to form new olfactory/gustatory receptors
Olfactory Receptors
- Pseudostratified bipolar sensory neurons sensitive to odorants
- Have 1 olfactory hair + 1 unmyelinated axon
- Bowman’s Glands = secrete mucous
Olfactory Transduction (6 Steps)
- Odorant binds to receptors on olfactory hairs
- G-protein linked activation of adenyl cyclase
- cAMP activation
- Na+ influx
- Generator potential
- Action potential
Olfactory Pathway
Olfactory receptors -> RIght & left olfactory nerves (penetrates cribiform plate) -> Olfactory bulbs (synapses w/ 2nd order relay neurons) -> Olfactory tracts -> Primary olfactory area
- Projections to limbic system & hypothalamus = visceral/emotional responses to smell & memory evoked responses
- Projection to thalamus = odor identification & discrimination area of frontal lobe
Primary Odors
- Hundreds in total
- Nose can recognize approx. 10,000 different odor combinations
- 10 to 100 million olfactory receptors present in epithelium
Odor Thresholds & Adaptation
- Smell threshold may be very low
- Adaptation to odors occurs quickly
- With age, decreased olfactory receptor no. = hyposmia/ anosmia
The sense of taste
5 Primary Taste Sensations
- Bitter
- Sour
- Salty
- Sweet
- Savory (Umami)
* Complex flavors = combinations of primary tastes + smell + tactile sensations
* Lowest sensitivity threshold = bitter
* Highest sensitivity threshold = savory
Decreased sensitivity due to constant stimulation
Chemical substances that cause gustatory (taste bud) stimulation, as well as olfactory stimulation
Chemical substances that cause olfactory stimulation, also affects gustation
3 Types of Epithelial Cells in Taste Buds
- Basal (Stem) Cells
- Supporting Cells
- Gustatory Receptors
Supporting Cells (Gustatory)
Provide nutritional support to other cells in taste buds
Gustatory Receptors
Have 1 gustatory hair (microvillus) which project from the taste pore which synapses w/ the 1st order sensory neuron
Taste Transduction (Ionic Tastes)
Dissolved tastants bind gustatory hairs -> Salty (Na+) and Sour (H+) enter cell via ion channels of different gustatory receptors -> Ca+2 influx -> Exocytotic release of neurotransmitter -> EPSPs in 1st order sensory neuron -> Firing of action potentials
Taste Transduction (Organic Tastes)
Dissolved tastants bind gustatory hairs -> Sweet, bitter, umami bind surface protein receptors of different gustatory receptors -> 2nd messenger release -> Closing of K+ channels, depolarizing cell -> Ca+2 influx + release of stored ER Ca+2 -> Increased cytosolic Ca+2 -> Exocytotic release of neurotransmitter -> EPSPS -> Action potential
4 Different Locations of Taste Buds
- Tongue
- Soft Palate
- Pharynx
- Epiglottis
* More taste buds associated w/ lingual papillae, located on dorsal/lateral tongue surface
4 Papillae Types
- Vallate Papillae
- Fungiform Papillae
- Foliate Papillae
- Filiform Papillae
Vallate Papillae
V-shaped row near back of tongue
Fungiform Papillae
Scattered over dorsal tongue surface
Foliate Papillae
Located on sides of tongue
Filiform Papillae
Most numerous on tongue; no taste buds, contain tactile receptors
Gustatory Pathway
Cranial nerves 7, 9, & 10 carry taste info -> Gustatory nucleus in medulla (synapse w/ 2nd order relay neurons) -> Limbic system & hypothalamus (emotional response) + Thalamus -> Primary gustatory area of parietal lobe & nearby association areas
3 Different Accessory Structures of the Eye
- Extrinsic Muscles
- Eyelids + Eyelashes
- Lacrimal Apparatus
3 Pairs of Extrinsic Eye Muscles
- Superior + Inferior Rectus: Elevation + Depression of eyeball
- Lateral + Medial Rectus: Abduction + Adduction of eyeball
- Superior + Inferior Oblique: Intorsion + Extorsion of eyeball
3 Cranial Nerves that Control Extrinsic Eye Muscles
- Oculomotor (3) nerve
- Trochlear (4) nerve
- Abducens (6) nerve
* Brainstem & cerebellum control eyeball movements
Functions of the eyelids
To provide shade, protection & lubrication to the eyball
Surface Anatomy of Eyelid (3 Parts)
- Palpebral Fissure = Space between upper & lower eyelids
- Lateral & Medial Commisures = Corners where the upper & lower eyelids meet
- Lacrimal Caruncle = Small, pink, globular nodule at the corner of the eyeball
Palpebral Layers of the Eyelid
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- SubQ tissue
- Orbicularis oculi
- Tarsal plate
- Tarsal gland
- Tarsal plate
- Areolar CT
- Palpebral conjunctiva
2 Eyelid Muscles
- Orbiculars Oculi = Closes eyelids
2. Levator Palpebrae Superioris = Opens eyelids
Tarsal Glands
- Embedded in tarsal plate
- Responsible for lipid-rich secretions
Cyst in the eyelid due to a blocked oil gland
2 Types of Conjuctiva
- Palpebral = Continuous w/ Bulbar Conjunctiva
- Bulbar Conjunctiva = Covers sclera, but not cornea
* Blood shot eyes caused by vasodilation due to irritation of bulbar conjunctiva
- Blink reflex allows eyelashes to brush off dirt
- Sebaceous ciliary glands secrete oil which lubricates the eyes
- Sty = infection of sebaceous ciliary glands
2 Parts of the Lacrimal Apparatus
- Lacrimal Gland + Excretory Lacrimal Ducts
2. Lacrimal Sac + Superior & Inferior Lacrimal Canaliculi + Nasolacrimal Duct
Lacrimal Gland
- Secretes fluid (tears), contains salt, mucus & lysozyme
- Functions to protecct, clean & lubricate the eyes
- Parasympathetic innervation via Facial (7) nerve
- Tears -> Lacrimal puncta -> Superior & inferior lacrimal canaliculi -> Lacrimal Sac -> Nasolacrimal duct -> Nose
Infection of the lacrimal sac; usually bacterial
3 Coats (Tunics) of the Eyeball
- Fibrous Tunic
- Vascular Tunic
- Retina
Fibrous Tunic (2 Main Parts)
- Sclera
2. Cornea
White, dense CT, surrounds eyeball except at cornea
Transparent cover over iris
Canal of Schlemm (AKA “Scleral Venous SInus”)
Drains aqueous humor
Vascular Tunic/Uvea (3 Main Parts)
- Choroid
- Ciliary Body
- Iris
- Middle, dark brown layer of vascular tunic
- Has many blood vessels
- Absorbs stray light
Ciliary Body
- Runs from ora serrata to corneal/scleral junction
- Contains ciliary muscle (controls shape of lens)
- Ciliary process -> Aqueous humor & attach zonular fibers
- Accommodation for near vision = contraction of ciliary muscle; leads to decreased tension on zonular fibers, which leads to rounding up of lens
- Circular pigmented diaphragm, which regulates size of pupil
- Eye color = type & amount of melanin
- Eumelanin = black-brown pigment
- Pheomelanin = reddish-yellow pigment
2 Pupillary Responses to Light Intensity
- Miosis
2. Mydriasis
Contraction of sphincter pupillae due to bright light (Parasympathetic)
Contraction of dilator pupillae due to dim light (Sympathetic)
Retina/Inner Tunic (2 Layers)
- Pigmented Layer
2. Neural Layer