chapter 17 Flashcards
north army
south army
slave states that didn’t secede and stuck with the north and what were they
border states; Missouri, Kentucky, west Virginia, Maryland, delaware
union’s plan to conquer the south created by Lincoln and Winfield scott
anaconda plan; surround south by land and sea, cut off southern ports so the south couldn’t trade, divide the confederacy into 2 sections by gaining Mississippi river so they couldn’t help each other, capture Richmond (capital of confederacy) and destroy the rebel government
leader of the south
Robert E Lee
america’s bloodiest single day war with over 23,00 casualities
the bloodiest of all wars in America but not in a single day with over 50,000 casualities
confederates forced to give up port Huron which gave the union the mississippi river and cut confederacy in 2
battle of vicksburg
cut off railroads+other supplies to richmond
battle of petersburg
slaves in the confederacy were freed by military orders; allowed black soldiers to join the army
emancipation proclamation
paid tribute to the men who died in battle; nothing said about the north or south or slavery; it was short so it became famous; Lincoln’s speech
gettysburg address
the place where general Lee surrendered
Appomattox court house
close to Richmond then he was forced back by Lee; then he found a copy of Lee’s marching orders but was fired by lincoln because he was too slow to get them to him
George mcClellan
led union forces to capture Atlanta and everything in between savannah and itself (285 miles) which was known as total war
William sherman
a union general who won many union battles and also was the 18th president
ulysses s. grant
a war in which infrastructure, civilians, and all of their resources are targeted in order to achieve victory
total war
a confederate general that earned a nickname at bull run because he stood like a stonewall
Thomas stonewall jackson
the largest prison camp during the civil war and was the deadliest landscape of the Civil War. Of the 45,000 Union soldiers imprisoned here, nearly 13,000 died. prisoners were treated terribly, given no food and water, and barely had any shelter or clothing
untrained and unpaid civil war nurse; changed battlefield healthcare and created American Red cross; organized patients by who needed to be taken care of most to who needed to be taken care of least; got patients clothes, food, CLEAN bandages
Clara barton
became famous for his pictures of the civil war, including camp life, war preparations, moments before a battle, and moments after a battle
Matthew brady
2nd all-African American volunteer troop formed after the Emancipation Proclamation; made up of people from many states; paid less than white soldiers
54th Massachusetts regiment
strengths + weaknesses of the North
strengths: more of everything than the south had (railroads, money, industry, factories, guns etc.), larger population, produced more food than south weaknesses: fighting on south territory so had to travel far, struggled to find strong leaders
strengths + weaknesses of the South
strengths: fighting on home territory, led by experienced and skilled commanders, produced more cotton for more $
weaknesses: less of everything the north had (railroads, money, industry, factories, guns etc.), smaller population, all land is used for cotton or slaves, 1/3 of population is slaves but didn’t get to fight in war, wealthy but used for slaves
why did people enlist in the union
south illegally seceded, population pressure, pride in their land, bored with their lives
why did people enlist in the confederacy
population pressure, relied on slaves so fought to keep them, liberty, freedom, protect their land and show pride