chapter 13 Flashcards
belief in 1800’s that the us had a god given right to expand its culture and democracy to the Pacific ocean
manifest destiny
a large disputed area between Britain and us
Oregon country
infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces.
extended border between us and Britain at 49th parallel
Oregon treaty of 1846
11 president
James k polk
acted like a dictator to mexico
Santa anna
led texan troops in battles and became the first president of texas
Sam houston
he was a general and led us forces into disputed area by Polk’s order
Zachary taylor
a fort in Texas where Americans lived and fought for
the alamo
effect of the Guadalupe- Hidalgo treaty; mexico gave up 500,000 sq miles of land and we paid them $15 mill
Mexican cession
ended the mexican-american war, Mexican cession
treaty of guadalupe - hidalgo
wanted it so we can build a railroad so we paid mexico $10 mill for it
Gadsden purchase
to add a region to a country or state; to take control of a territory or place
giving up or surrendering something (such as land), often as a result of war
last to die at the alamo battle
Davy crockett
marked the place where Texas officially gained its independence
San jacinto river
the people that migrated to California from 1848-1849 in hopes to find gold and make fortunes
Gold was found on his land and he tried to keep it a secret; wealthy; dreamed of having an agricultural empire; hired James Marshall to build a sawmill on his farm - this is what discovered the gold
John sutter
a place that has very quick population and economic growth
population grew to 35,000 bc of gold Rush, 30 new homes built everyday, 2 murders per day, inflation, fire burned the city but was rebuilt, new businesses opened, parks and attractions too
San francisco
told everyone the secret about the gold
Sam brannan