Chapter 17 Flashcards
Where was the heart of the railway system and why?
London because it was the centre of Britain’s capital and biggest city
What happened to many working class people in London as a result of the railway boom?
Created lots of employment however thousands of working class people were made homeless over night with no compensation as they were evicted from the homes to multiply the railways system
What was the impact of the development of the railways on Britain’s connectivity
- built a modern society
-post of newspapers were read within hours of begin published
-travelling and tourism in United Kingdom became common
What was the impact on peoples food and food tastes ?
- created a national market and development of consumerism
- trade with different goods increased rapidly
What was the impact on people’s fashion ?
- ## new clothing texture and design were easier to design
What modern names in retail and business came about as a result of the railway system ?
- developed bookstores now known as W.H.SMITH
What was the effect of the development of the railways on peoples leisure time?
- more travelling to different cities boosted England economy and tourism/popularity
- literacy activity increased
- created a mordern state of time
What were the major changes in the railway industry between 1815 and 1846 ?
Since 1800 there was only 6km of track but by 1838 there was around 750km of new track
Steam power lead to new development in engine construction such as ‘puffing billy’
In 1829 George Stephenson opened the first railway line from Stockton to Darlington with the the famous engine locomotion number one
How can we account for the rapid development of the railway industry?
-it was a reaction to the rapid increase of industrialisation
- demand of transport of goods across the country
-coal mining provided the initial stimulus for railway development
What was the total output that railways needed from iron industries?
Railway alone increase iron industry output to a total of 15%
What reputation did navigator have in the railways ?
They acquired a sinister reputation for violence and alcoholism
Describes by J.R. Francis as “ rude, rugged and uncultivated “
How many navies were recruited in 1847?
About 300,000
How did the increase of railways improve transportation of goods ?
Railways were able to transport most food items quickly and safely so that commodities such as milk could be transported overnight ensuring that it reached its destination in a fresh condition
What was George Hudson contribution to railways development?
He build the line between York, Leeds and the Midlands
In 1842 he formed the Midland Railway
Financed a lot of projects
Known as “railway king”
What was Robert Stephenson contribution to the railways ?
- he constructed some magnificent railways bridges such as the high level bridge across the tyre at Newcastle and the royal border bridge at berswick
What was George Stephenson contribution to the railways ?
-1825 designed the famous Stockton to Darlington line mainly to carry coal
-then in 1830 designed the line Liverpool to Manchester
What was the institute of civil engineers 1818 ?
This helped to shape the development of the profession of engineering
In the long engineers like Stephson bought prestige and wealth to the institute
What was the railway clearing house 1842 ?
This ensures that each company received a fair proportion of each fare paid as normally passenger would buy a ticket owned by a one company and then travel along different line owned by different companies
What was the railways act 1844?
Provided a minimum standard for rail passengers travel
It provided compulsory services at a price affordable to poorer people to enable them to travel to find work
Introduced parliamentary trains
What were parliamentary train ?
Train that had a third class which were aimed at for working class and stop at every station so all passenger could get in the train
How many miles of track were there in 1846?
4000 miles
What evidence is there to suggest there was a railway revolution in the 1830s ?
It increased leisure time and contributed to economy
Tourism became popular within England
Enclosure development ?
Enclosure act of 1836 an 1845 brought a rapid scramble among landowners for enclosure with a few open fields left to enclose which duplicate farmers grains and urban populations
What was enclosure ?
Made soil improvements easier and increased grain from an urban population
Drainage developments ?
-steam drainage began to replace windmill drainage wheels and this enabled the land to dry out sufficiently
-quality of crop improved
Fertiliser improvements?
- increased crop field and labour
- the use of guano recycled natural waste back to the ground
What was the impact of agriculture societies ?
-offered the latest device and advertising products for better farming
- royal agricultural society formed in 1842 lead to great excellent source of farming knowledge
What regional variation existed in agriculture?
-wages and housing varies according to different regions and also depend on the attitude of the farmers
- different areas specialised in different crops and farming based on their soil, climate and local demand
What arguments are there against repeal ?
-it would ruin Britain’s farmers, leave England vulnerable in wartime blockade and increase mass rural unemployment
How did the peel approach the issue of repeal ?
- slow approach to avoid the conservative potential to split and please landowners and anti-corn law league
What did peel risk through repeal ?
- risk resignation
- a split in the party as there was different opinions of free trade and corn laws
What happened to peel when he did repeal ?
Majority opposed and was forced to resign
How did peels gradual conversion contribute to repeal of corn laws ?
- he came from a manufacturing background made him more sympathetic with working class rather than agriculture with landed interests
- thought it was unfair agricultural should be protect solely
How did the great famine contribute to the repeal of corn laws ?
- Irish potato crop failed which thousands were dying
- anti corn law league increased in demand and pressure
-political consequence
How did the success of budgetary and tariff reform contribute to repeal of corn laws ?
- convinced peel that further tariff reform would stimulate industry and reduce unemployment
How did restore confidence in political system contribute to repeal of corn laws ?
- peel claimed that repeal would remove a source of bitter social division
How did the anti corn law league contribute to repeal ?
- leagues used various argument to support their campaign copying the tactics of other pressure groups
- persuade MP within parlaiment
Short term consequences of repeal ?
- split in Conservative Party
-peel resigning after losing majority
-peelite having no effect
-conservative lack of leadership
Long term consequences of repeal ?
-Creation of liberal party developing into 1850s
-creation of coalition governments
-Days of aristocratic dominance ending
-Whig decline
-Quicker shift to free trade