Chapter 16 The Retroperitoneum (quizlet) Flashcards
Space between the post. portion of the parietal peritoneum & post abd wall muscles. Extends from the diaphragm to the pelvis.
a large amount of potential space that fills with solid/cystic fluid
What does the retroperitoneum consist
Ant. pararenal space, perirenal & post. pararenal space
What 3 categories does the retroperitoneum have?
2 dimensions
Retroperitoneal Mass assessment
Determine the relationship of mass to other organs, blood vessels & structures
Retroperitoneal Mass assessment
The mass completely surrounds the organ. Organ isn’t typically seen.
Phantom Organ
Organ is embedded in the mass
Embedded organ
Acute angle between the mass & the organ. The mass is arising from the organ. If the angle is obtuse then the mass would be outside the organ
Beak Sign
Ant. Med & sup. to the kidneys. They are fixed & will separate from the kidney in deep inspiration or upright postition
Where do Adrenal Glands sit
Y or V
What is the shape of the adrenal glands
2-3 cm width, 4-6 cm length & 38 mm AP
What is the measurement for the adrenal gland & echogenicity
2 endocrine glands
What are the adrenal glands made up of
Mineralocorticoids which regulate electrolyte metabolism
What does the cortex secrete
Catecholamines(Epinephrine & norepinephrine
What does the medulla produce
Atrophy of adrenal cortex. Signs & symptoms manifest during stress or trauma
Addison’s Disease (Adrenal Cortical syndromes)
Increased sodium retention (edema)
Addison Disease symptoms
Excessive secretion of sex hormones & adrenal androgens
Adrenogenital Syndrome(adrenal virilism)
Newborn ambiguous genetalia
Symptoms of Adrenogenital Syndrome
Excessive secretion of aldosterone
Conn’s Syndrome (aldosteronism)
Excessive secretion of cortisol
Cushing’s syndrome
Truncal obesity
Cushing syndrome symptoms
Bacterial sepsis,shock & necropsy with adrenal hemorrhage
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
Rare benign lesion
Adrenal Cyst
Most common adrenal mass
Adrenal Adenoma
Less than 2.5cm
Adrenal Adenoma measurement
Benign tumors that contain hematopoietic & fatty elements
Back pain
Myelolipoma symptoms
Myelolipoma appearance
Hyperfunctional or Nonfunctioning
malignant Adrenal Tumors (Primary)
Malignant Adrenal Tumor measurement & appearance
4th most common site for metastasis after lung, liver and bone
Metastasis(Secondary adrenal tumor)
Secretes epinephrine & norepinephrine (catacholamines) in excessive quantities
Intermittent HTN
Pheochromocytoma Symptoms
Pheochromocytom appearance
Most common malignancy in childhood & infancy
Adrenal Neuroblastoma
Adrenal Neuroblastoma appearance
Assoc with severe stress, trauma or infection
Adrenal Hemorrhage
Acute hemorrhage
Adrenal Hemorrhage appearance
Consist of small caliber vessels & functioning bean shaped nodes
Lymphatic system(Lymph nodes)
Collect interstitial water, electrolytes & colloids for filtration in the nodes & return the waste to the blood stream
Lymph Capillaries
Produce lymphocytes and are vital in the proper fx of the immune system
Lymph Nodes
Assess node size
Lymphadenopathy measurement
Malignant nodules are usually round or oval
Lymphadenopathy appearance
Occurs spontaneously or due to trauma, medical intervention or from anticoagulation
Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage
If the distance between the spine & post. aortic wall is greater than 0.5cm
Lymphadenopathy or Retroperitoneal bleed
Idiopathic(don’t know cause)
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis(Ormond’s Disease)
Hypoechoic tissue surrounding the aorta
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis(Ormond’s Disease) appearance