Chapter 15-Social Change Flashcards
Social movement
Organized collective activities to bring about or resist fundamental change in an existing group/society
How and why social movements emerge
Relative deprivation
Resource mobilization
Relative deprivation
Person dissatisfied because they feel that their present situation doesn’t meet their legitimate expectations
Resource mobilization
Ways that social movements utilize resource
Social change
Involves significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture
Craft workers in 19th century England who resisted Industrial Revolution by destroying new factory machinery, people who are wary of tech innovations and who question expansion of industrialization
Social evolution
Theory views society as moving in a definite direction
Equilibrium model
As changes occur in one part of society, adjustments must be made in other parts
Vested interests
People/groups who will suffer in the event of social change
Personal sociology
Recognizing impact our individual position in society has on who we are and how we think and act and taking responsibility for the impact we have on others
Public sociology
Process of brining insights gained through sociological observation and analysis into public sphere
Developing nations skip from infrastructure of landlines to widespread cell phones
Systematic commitment to maximizing efficiency and increasing productivity
August Comte Law of Three Stages
Theoretical stage
People base their knowledge and decision making on religious principles