Chapter 15 Flashcards
Reshaping of local conditions by powerful global forces on an ever-intensifying scale.
Migrant populations with a shared identity who live in a variety of different locales around the world; a form of transborder identity that does not focus on nation building.
**long-distance nationalists
Members of a diaspora organized in support of nationalist struggles in their homeland or to agitate for a state of their own.
**transborder state
A form of state in which it is claimed that those people who left the country and their descendants remain part of their ancestral state, even if they are citizens of another state.
transborder citizenry
A group made up of citizens of a country who continue to live in their homeland plus the people who have emigrated from the country and their descendants, regardless of their current citizenship.
legal citizenship
The rights and obligations of citizenship accorded by the laws of a state.
substantive citizenship
The actions people take, regardless of their legal citizenship status, to assert their membership in a state and to bring about political changes that will improve their lives.
transnational nation-state
A nation-state in which the relationships between citizens and the state extend to wherever citizens reside.
**flexible citizenship
The strategies and effects employed by managers, technocrats, and professionals who move regularly across state boundaries and seek both to circumvent and to benefit from different nation-state regimes.
postnational ethos
An attitude toward the world in which people submit to the governmentality of the capitalist market while trying to evade the governmentality of nation-states.
**human rights
Powers, privileges, or material resources to which people everywhere, by virtue of being human, are justly entitled.
Living permanently in settings surrounded by people with cultural backgrounds different from one’s own and struggling to define with them the degree to which the cultural beliefs and practices of different groups should or should not be accorded respect and recognition by the wider society.
**cultural imperialism
The idea that some cultures dominate others and that domination by one culture leads inevitably to the destruction of subordinated cultures and their replacement by the culture of those in power.
**cultural hybridization (or hybridity)
Cultural mixing.
Being at ease in more than one cultural setting.
The awkward, unequal, unstable aspects of interconnection across difference.
stratified reproduction?
global flows?
rights vs culture
right to culture
indigenous rights
border thinking