Chapter 14 Section 1 Flashcards
Prince Henry
He led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal, a small nation next to Spain.
A group of islands in eastern Indonesia; was the center of the spice trade in the 1500s and 1600s.
A mapmaker.
Vasco da Gama
A Portugal navigator, he lead four ships around the Cape of Good Hope. However, he had plans to go further. After a ten-month voyage, he reached the great spice port of Calicut on the west coast of India. On the long voyage home, they lost half their ships, but the venture proved highly profitable.
Christopher Columbus
An Italian navigator from Genoa who wanted to reach the East Indies - a group of islands in Southeast Asia, today part of Indonesia - by sailing west across the Atlantic.
Line of Demarcation
A line set by the Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the non-European world into two zones, one controlled by Spain and the other by Portugal.
Treaty of Tordesillas
A treaty signed between Spain and Portugal in 1494 which divided the non-European world between them.
Ferdinand Megellan
A minor Portuguese nobleman who set out from Spain with five ships to find a way to the Pacific on September 20, 1519.
To travel completely around the world.