Chapter 14 - Personality Flashcards
What is personality…
people’s way of thinking, feeling, and behaving
What is psychic determinism…
the assumption that all psychological events have a cause
What is the psychoanalytic theory…
psychic determination, symbolic meaning, unconscious motivation
What is the id…
pleasure principle, all drives and urges, immediacy (Infancy)
What is the ego…
reality principle, confines id to reality, reational/logical, develops around age 2
What is the superego…
internalized morality and values, responsibility, not bound by reality, develops age 5
What is repression…
motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses
What is repression…
motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses
What is regression…
returning to a safer and simpler time
What is sublimation…
transforming a socially unacceptable impulse into an admired and socially valued goal
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral (Birth-18 months), Anal (18 months-3 years), Phallic (3-6 years), Latency, (6-12 years), Genital (12+ years)
Oedipus Complex
boys fall in love with their mothers and want to kill their fathers
Electra Complex
girls fall in love with their fathers and want to kill their moms
What is the inferiority complex…
feelings of low self-esteem that can lead to overcompensation for such feelings
What is reciprocal determination…
people mutually influence each others behaviours
What is a locus of control…
people believe that reinforcers and punishers lie inside our outside their control
What is self-actualization…
drive to develop into the best person we can be
What is a peak experience..
moment of intense excitement and tranquility marked by a sense of connection with the world
What is a peak experience..
moment of intense excitement and tranquility marked by a sense of connection with the world
What are the Big 5 traits of personality…
Openess, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN)
What is face validity…
can people tell what items in a test are measuring
What is face validity…
can people tell what items in a test are measuring
What is a projective test…
test that has ambiguous stimuli that examinees must make sense of
What is graphology…
physiological interpretation of handwriting
What is the P.T. Barnum effect…
tendency of people to accept high base rate descriptions as accurate