Chapter 13 - Social Psychology Flashcards
What is social psychology…
how people influence others’ behaviour, beliefs and attitudes
What is the social comparison theory…
we evaluate our abilities and beliefs by comparing them with those of others
What is the fundamental attribution error…
the way we overestimate the impact of influences on other people’s behaviour
What is conformity…
to alter behaviour based on peer pressure
What is deindividuation…
when we engage in uncharacteristic behaviour when we are stripped of our usual identities (Zimbardo prision)
What is groupthink…
group unanimity (all agreeing) at the expense of critical thinking
What is group polarization…
group discussion to strengthen the dominant positions of some members
What is group polarization…
group discussion to strengthen the dominant positions of some members
What is the inoculation effect…
convince people to change their minds by first introducing reasons why their perspective might be right and then telling them it is wrong
Milgram Experiment
Learned that people will be obedient to a dominant force and are capable of doing terrible things
Milgram Experiment
Learned that people will be obedient to a dominant force and are capable of doing terrible things
What is pluralistic ignorance…
error of assuming that non one in a group perceives things as we do
What is the bystander effect…
The fear to help it assuming you will be picked out for doing so
What is the diffusion of responsibility….
reduction in feelings of personal responsibility when we are with others
What is social loafing…
phenomenon whereby individuals become less productive in groups
What is altruism…
helping others for unselfish reasons
What causes agression…
Frustration, media influences, arousal, alcohol and other drugs, temperature
What is self-monitoring…
assess the extent to which people see if they are making their own decisions or are influenced by others
What is cognitive dissonance…
bad mental experience of tension resulting from 2 conflicting thoughts
What is the self-perception theory…
we acquire our attitudes by observing our behaviours
What is the impression management theory…
don’t really change our attitudes, but report we do so our behaviour reflects our attitude
What is the impression management theory…
don’t really change our attitudes, but report we do so our behaviour reflects our attitude
What is prejudice….
have negative conclusions about a person or group of people without evaluating the evidence about who they are
What is a stereotype…
a belief about the characteristics of members of a group (fraternities)
What is in-group bias…
favour individuals in our group rather than people out of it
What is adaptive conservatism…
better safe than sorry
What is out-group homogeneity…
thinking people outside your group are all the same
What is the just-world hypothesis…
attributions come from the fact that everything is fair in the world
What is explicit prejudice…
unfounded negative belief of which we are aware of
What is implicit prejudice…
unfounded negative belief of which we are unaware of