Chapter 14 Packet Review Flashcards
four cavities within the brain lined with ependymal cells
Lateral Ventricles are separated by the?
septum pellucidum
Third ventricle connects to the lateral ventricles by the?
interventricular foramen
fourth ventricle connects to the 3ed by the____? and is continuous with the _____? of the spinal cord?
cerebral aquaduct
central canal
Choroid plexus
Capillary network found within the ventricles that forms cerebral spinal fluid, the tissue fluid of the CNS
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Cushion and floats the brain
diffusion of gasses
you produce 2 cups per day, replaced every eight hours
Arachnoid granulations
absords old CSF; if it is blocked it can cause hydrocephalus
Flow of CSF?
lateral ventricle and third ventricle -4th ventricle - central canal of spinal cord - cranial and spinal subarachnoid spaces
Capillary cells joined by___ in the blood brain barrier?
tight junctions
provide chemical messages to control permeability of the capillaries
High amounts of ____ are readily transported for a constant energy supply
Small amounts of what are allowed through the blood brain barrier?
epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine
Blood CSF Barrier
specialized ependymal cells connected by tight junctions and surround choroid plexus
4 Exception to the blood brain barrier
hypothalamus, posterior pituitary gland, pineal gland, choroid plexus
Dura Mater is _____ layered? Outer layer connecting to the ___ of the skull, leaving no____?
double layered
epideral space
Dura Folds
dura mater dips into creases of the brain
falx cerbri
between cerebral hemisphere
tentorium cerebelli
separates cerebrum from cerebellum
falx cerebelli
cerebellar hemispheres
arachnoid mater
lacy network similar to spinal cord
pia mater
adheres to the surface of the brain by astrocytes, extends into folds of the brain
3 things that protect brain tissue?
- meninges in the cell act as seat belt and holds brain in place
- blood brain barrier (like shatter proof glass) limits permeability
- CSF (like airbag) cushions, floats the brain and allows diffusion of necessary chemicals
*5 functions of the medulla oblongata to KNOW?
- links brain to spinal cord
- regulates heart rate & force of contraction
- regulates distribution of blood flow
- sets the pace of respiratory movement
- relays and integrates visceral sensory info to the ANS
3 functions of the pons?
- Receives sensory info and returns motor info to the jaw muscles, anterior surface of face, eye muscles, and internal ear
- modifies breathing rhythm set by the medulla oblongata through the apneustic and pneumotaxic centers
- Relays info to and from cerebellum
Autonomic processing center is the?
Cerebellum location?
large posterior, inferior regions of the brain
Functions of Cerebellum?
balance and equilibrium (refines learned movement patterns to make them smooth)
Midbrain; superior colliculus of the corpora quadrigemina?
reflex movements of: eyes, head, neck and trunck in response to visual stimuli
Midbrain; Inferiour colliculus of the corpora quadrigemina?
auditory reflex, movement of head, neck and trunck in response to an auditory stimulus
Midbrain; Reticular activating system
makes you more alert and attentive
Midbrain; Subconscious control
upper limb position and muscle tone
integrates sensory info with motor output at the subconscious level; includes the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland
Pineal Gland
endocrine structure, secretes melatonin which regulates sleep/wake cycles and reproductive cycles
Thalamus Location?
superior to the hypothalamus; right and left thalamus is separated by the 3rd ventricle
What determines the thalamus function?
thalamic nuclei groups
Thalamus function; Anterior group responsible for?
limbic which involves emotion and motivation
Thalamus function; medial group
awareness of emotions by connecting the hypothalamus to the frontal lobes
Thalamus Function; Ventral group relays sensory info about?
touch, pressure, pain, temperature and proprioception
Thalamus, anterior group?
resposible for limbic which is emotion and motivation
Thalamus function; Lateral group affects emotional states by connecting the____ system to the ______lobes of the cerebrum
Hypothalamus, the_____gland?
in the floor of the 3rd ventricle superior to the pituitary gland; a stalk connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus
Mamillary bodies
“brain boobs” olefactory sensations and reflex movements associated with: eating, licking, chewing and swallowing
The hypothalamus can be stimulated by what 3 processes?
- sensory info from cerebrum, brain stem, spinal cord
- changes in the CSF and interstitial fluid
- Chemical stimuli in blood since there is not BBB here
Functions of the Hypothalamus #1
subconscious control of skeletal muscle contraction (sexual movement)